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Swastik Baranwal
Swastik Baranwal

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Python: Merging and Updating Dicts the New Way

In the upcoming Python version 3.9 you can now merge and update Dictionaries by simply using | for merging and |= and for updating.

Merge Dictionaries by | operator

dict1 = {'Sam' : 15, 'Peter' : 27, 'John': 35, 'Ben' : 42} 
dict1 = {'Mark' : 15, 'Tom' : 27, 'Jack': 24, 'Ben' : 34}
dict3 = dict1 | dict2 
#Ouput: {'Sam' : 15, 'Peter' : 27, 'John': 35, 'Ben' : 34, 'Mark' : 15, 'Tom' : 27, 'Jack': 24}
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Just like update() the latter one's common key is combined with the new dict.

Update Dictionaries by |= operator

dict1 = {'Sam' : 15, 'Peter' : 27, 'John': 35, 'Ben' : 42} 
dict1 |= Dict({'Mark' : 15, 'Tom' : 27, 'Jack': 24, 'Ben' : 34})
#Ouput: {'Sam' : 15, 'Peter' : 27, 'John': 35, 'Ben' : 34, 'Mark' : 15, 'Tom' : 27, 'Jack': 24}
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Just like the previous one the latter one's common key is combined with the new dict.

If you are an experienced Pythonic Programmer you already would have guessed that it uses | and |= operator overloading.

Python 3.9 is scheduled to be released in this October!

Top comments (1)

delta456 profile image
Swastik Baranwal

I don't know what to say. It's opinionated.