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Deepesh Jain
Deepesh Jain

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Building a Modern Portfolio Website: The Best Tech Stack for 2024

In today's digital age, having a personal portfolio website is essential for showcasing your skills, projects, and professional achievements. Whether you're a developer, designer, or creative professional, a well-built portfolio can set you apart from the competition. But where do you start? Choosing the right tech stack is crucial for building a modern, responsive, and visually appealing website. Here’s a guide to the best tech stack for creating a standout portfolio in 2024.

1. Frontend: The Face of Your Portfolio

Your portfolio’s frontend is the first thing visitors interact with, so it needs to be fast, responsive, and visually impressive. Here’s what you should consider:

Framework: Next.js

Why Next.js? As a React-based framework, Next.js provides an excellent foundation for building modern web applications. It supports server-side rendering (SSR) and static site generation (SSG), ensuring that your portfolio loads quickly and is SEO-friendly. Whether you’re showcasing a static site or need dynamic content, Next.js offers the flexibility to handle it all.

Styling: Tailwind CSS

Why Tailwind CSS? Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework that allows you to build custom designs quickly. With its extensive pre-defined classes, you can style your components without writing much custom CSS, speeding up development time. Tailwind’s flexibility and customization options make it perfect for creating a unique and responsive portfolio design.

Animations: Framer Motion

Why Framer Motion? If you want to add a touch of interactivity and modern animations to your portfolio, Framer Motion is the way to go. This React-based animation library integrates seamlessly with your Next.js setup, enabling you to create smooth, eye-catching animations that enhance user experience.

2. Backend: Enhancing Functionality (Optional)

While many portfolios can be entirely static, adding a backend can allow for more advanced features like form handling, user authentication, and dynamic content.

Framework: Express.js (Node.js)

Why Express.js? Express is a minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework that provides a robust set of features for building web applications. If your portfolio requires a custom backend—for instance, to handle form submissions or integrate with a database—Express.js is an excellent choice due to its simplicity and flexibility.

Database: MongoDB

Why MongoDB? As a NoSQL database, MongoDB works well with Node.js/Express applications. It’s scalable, easy to use, and perfect for storing data like user inputs, contact form submissions, or dynamic content.

3. Hosting and Deployment: Getting Your Portfolio Online

Once your portfolio is ready, you need to deploy it to the web. Choosing the right hosting platform is key to ensuring your site is fast, reliable, and easily maintainable.

Platform: Vercel

Why Vercel? Vercel is the perfect match for Next.js projects. It offers seamless integration with Git, automatic deployments, and an easy setup for custom domains. Vercel’s serverless infrastructure ensures your site is scalable and performs well under heavy traffic.

4. CMS: Managing Content (Optional)

If you plan to regularly update your portfolio with new projects or blog posts, using a Content Management System (CMS) can make this process easier.

Headless CMS: Contentful or Sanity

Why Contentful/Sanity? A headless CMS allows you to manage your content separately from the frontend, providing flexibility and ease of use. Contentful and Sanity are powerful options that integrate well with Next.js, enabling you to update your portfolio without needing to redeploy the entire site.

5. Analytics: Understanding Your Audience

Tracking how visitors interact with your portfolio can provide valuable insights and help you improve user experience.

Tool: Google Analytics or Plausible

Why Google Analytics/Plausible? Google Analytics is the industry standard for tracking website traffic, offering detailed insights into user behavior. However, if you prefer a simpler, privacy-focused option, Plausible is a lightweight alternative that’s easy to set up and use.

6. Form Handling: Capturing Leads (Optional)

If your portfolio includes contact forms, you’ll need a reliable way to handle submissions.

Service: Formspree or Netlify Forms

Why Formspree/Netlify Forms? These services allow you to handle form submissions without setting up a backend. They’re easy to integrate with static sites and offer options for notifications, data storage, and spam protection.

7. Code Quality: Ensuring a Clean Codebase

Maintaining high code quality is crucial for any web project. Linting and formatting tools help keep your code consistent and error-free.

Linters: ESLint (for JavaScript) and Stylelint (for CSS)

Why ESLint/Stylelint? These tools help enforce coding standards and catch common mistakes, ensuring your code is clean and maintainable.


Why Prettier? Prettier is an opinionated code formatter that automatically formats your code, making it more readable and consistent across your project.


Building a portfolio website is a rewarding project that allows you to showcase your skills to potential employers or clients. By choosing the right tech stack, you can create a site that is not only visually appealing but also fast, functional, and easy to maintain. Whether you’re aiming for a simple static site or a dynamic, content-rich portfolio, this modern tech stack will help you achieve your goals in 2024 and beyond.

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