DEV Community

Discussion on: The Case Against JS Frameworks.

deathshadow60 profile image

One day you'll realize that you don't need the 3000 ton hammer to build that drop-down widget.

You might even realize that 99% of the heavy lifting for a dropdown probably isn't even JavaScript's flipping job any time after IE7 was released... and certainly not JS' business.

But as I've said for over a decade, EVERYTHING I've ever seen done with JS frameworks like jQuery falls into one of three categories.

  1. Things that would be less code vanilla, NOT counting the size of the framework against it.
  2. Things that are none of JavaScript's flipping business.
  3. Things that have ZERO blasted business on a website if you care in the slightest about accessibility, usability, sustainability, or efficiency!

Hence why I consider even more complex JS frameworks to be incompetent trash. Angular, React, Vue -- train wreck laundry lists of how NOT to work with HTML or CSS, poster children for everything wrong with modern development, and how to take the simplest of tasks and make them many, MANY times harder to do.

Part of why it's so infuriating when people sing their praises talking about how much "easier" or "better for collaboration" this nonsense is, when every fact if you know the first blasted thing about the underlying language makes said claims nothing more than bald faced LIES!

Though it could be worse, we could be talking HTML/CSS frameworks like bootcrap or W3.css where it is painfully obvious its CREATORS and maintainers don't know enough about HTML or CSS to write either, much less tell others how to do so.

kmwill23 profile image

when every fact if you know the first blasted thing about the underlying language makes said claims nothing more than bald faced LIES!

For posterity. JavaScript is beautiful. CSS is beautiful. Everyone go love them!