DEV Community

Dan Bolser
Dan Bolser

Posted on

no-reply@ is never acceptable

OK, this is a rant, but is, in my humble opinion, a clear sign of failure.

Unless you're getting emailed from unattended-upgrades (or similar, self initiated processes), there is never a reason to ignore replies from your users.

  • Security alert?
    • Forward the reply to your security team!
  • Welcome email?
    • Forward the reply to your customer support team!
  • Shipping update?
    • Forward the reply to your issue tracker!
  • Announcement email?
    • You get the point.

I've had emails from companies that decided to sign off 'Love from ...', but the stupidity of sending that email from a no-reply address made me hate them.

I've had companies email me with details of a serious hack, but the unthinking banality of sending that email from a no-reply address made me think they really don't care.

If you're talking to customers, NEVER send an email from a no-reply address!

Please let me know if you can think of an example where you don't want to hear from someone about something you've emailed them about. Seriously, I'd love to see you try to defend it.

If volume is your primary concern, spam filters / issue trackers / more customer support. If it's just you, don't you want to talk to your users?

There are so many reasons that people may want to reply, no-reply is just an ugly, awful, unacceptable, admission of failure.

If you disagree, I'd love to know. If you agree, never use this address again.


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Dan Bolser

Please do not reply directly to this email as it is an unattended email address. Any support queries can be sent to

Why? Just why?