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Yussif Mohammed
Yussif Mohammed

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Topological sort and why you're getting cyclic dependency errors

There is a good chance you've came across cyclic dependency errors while building applications in React, React Native, Angular, Vue, Go, NodeJS etc.
In some programming languages like Go, cyclic dependency is a compile time error that must be fixed before the program works but in React it's just a warning, which can cause unexpected behaviors in your application.

In this article we'll be discussing cyclic dependency errors, what they are, how to avoid them and how the underlying algorithm (topological sort) works.

Understanding Cyclic Dependency Errors

Cyclic dependency errors occur when two or more modules, classes, or objects depend on each other in a circular manner. This creates a situation in which the modules, classes, or objects cannot be used or instantiated because their dependencies are not satisfied.

What does depend on each other in a circular manner mean?
To under this let's first talk about how files are built (declaring & initializing variables, classes, objects and imports) when we run a program.
Assuming we're writing a React program with files named A.jsx, B.jsx and C.jsx with the following codes in them


import B from "./B"
import C from "./C"

function A() {
    return (
            <C section={"About: My name is John Doe..."} />
            <C section={"Work: I work at ..."} />
            <C section={"Education: I went to ..."} />

            <B text={"toggle dark mode"} />

export default A
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function B(props) {
    return (

export default B
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import B from "./B"
function C(props) {
    return (
            <B text={"Find out More"} />

export default C
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From the above code example we can see;

  • A.jsx imports (depends on) B.jsx and C.jsx
  • B.jsx has no imports (0 dependencies)
  • C.jsx imporst B.jsx

Diagram to represent the above structure
Dependency structure of files
When building the above program, the order of the files in your working directory doesn't matter. The files are built in such a way that before a file is built all of it's dependencies (imports) musts be built first, which means the first file to be built must not import any file. Sorting the files in such a way is called topological sort which then gives the order in which the files would be built (build order). The build order for the above program will be.
build order of a program

Cyclic dependencies

Let's modify the our previous code examples


import B from "./B"
import C from "./C"

function A() {
    return (
            <C section={"About: My name is John Doe..."} />
            <C section={"Work: I work at ..."} />
            <C section={"Education: I went to ..."} />

            <B text={"toggle dark mode"} />

export default A
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


import { D } from './C'

function B(props) {
    return (
            <D />

export default B
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import React from 'react'
import B from "./B"

export default function C(props) {
    return (
            <B text={"Find out More"} />

export function D() {
    return (
        <span>more info</span>
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From the above second code example B.jsx now imports a component from C.jsx
Dependency structure of second code example
Cyclic dependency struct representation

The diagram shows that B.jsx and C.jsx have a circular dependency, as B.jsx imports C.jsx and C.jsx imports B.jsx. This creates a catch-22 situation because both files need to be built in order for the other to be built. In other words, B.jsx and C.jsx depend on each other in a circular manner.

This is what the cyclic dependency errors are all about, to avoid this errors for this example, you'll move D component into a separate file and import it into B from that new file that way B.jsx no longer depends on C.jsx

import D from './D'

function B(props) {
    return (
            <D />

export default B
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export default function D() {
    return (
        <span>more info</span>
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Our new file dependency structure will now look like this
Fixed cicular dependency
Alternatively you can move D component into B.jsx

Topological Sort

In this discussion, we have covered the concept of cyclic dependency errors, how to resolve them, and the build order of files in a program. Now, we will delve into one of the algorithms that is used to determine the build order: topological sorting.
To use topological sorting to create a build order, the dependencies between the files must be represented as a directed acyclic graph (DAG). The algorithm then processes the nodes of the graph in a specific order, such that for every edge (A, B => B imports A) from node A to node B, node A appears before node B in the ordering.

Making a map from the previous files example.
A.jsx => [B.jsx, C.jsx]
B.jsx => [D.jsx]
C.jsx => [B.jsx]
D.jsx => []

In graph theory, dependencies are also known as indegrees. In graph theory, an indegree of a vertex in a directed graph is the number of edges that have that vertex as their destination (number of imports a files has).
A.jsx has an indigree of 2
B.jsx has an indigree of 1
C.jsx has an indigree of 1
D.jsx has an indigree of 0

In a topological sort we start with a file that has an indigree of 0 and then we subtract one from the indigrees of all the files that import that file, then we pick another file with indigree of 0 and we repeat the process until we reach the end
So we start with D.jsx then we subtract one from the indigree of B.jsx after subtracting one B.jsx will have an indigree of 0 so we continue with B.jsx. C.jsx imports B.jsx we subtract one from the indigree of C.jsx, A.jsx also imports B.jsx so it's indigree is also subtracted by one. The indigree of C.jsx will become 0 and that of A.jsx will be 1 so we pick C.jsx and since A.jsx imports C.jsx we subtract one from it's indigree and A.jsx will have an indigree of 0.

The final build order is:
D.jsx -> B.jsx -> C.jsx -> A.jsx

A Go implementation of topological sort

package main

import "fmt"

func topologicalSort(graph map[string][]string) []string {
    // File and it's indigree
    indigrees := map[string]int{}
    // Make sure we don't add the same file twice
    visited := map[string]bool{}

    // The Final build order
    buildOrder := []string{}

    // Queue to add files with indigree of 0
    q := []string{}

    // Calculate indigrees
    for file, imports := range graph {
        indigree := len(imports)
        indigrees[file] = len(imports)
        if indigree == 0 {
            q = append(q, file)

    for len(q) > 0 {
        current := q[0]
        q = q[1:]
        buildOrder = append(buildOrder, current)
        visited[current] = true
        // Subtract one from all files that import current
        for file, imports := range graph {
            if !visited[file] {
                for _, val := range imports {
                    if val == current {
                        if indigrees[file] == 0 {
                            q = append(q, file)
    return buildOrder

func main() {

    // Files processed into a map
    graph := map[string][]string{
        "A.jsx": {"B.jsx", "C.jsx"},
        "B.jsx": {"D.jsx"},
        "C.jsx": {"B.jsx"},
        "D.jsx": {},

    buildOrder := topologicalSort(graph)
    fmt.Println(buildOrder) // => [D.jsx B.jsx C.jsx A.jsx]
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Hope you've learned something, try implementing topological sort in javaScript. If you have any questions ask them in the comments and I'll answer them.

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