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davidmz profile image
Давид Мзареулян • Edited

Why do we need prefork in Go? Isn't regular gorutines enough?

kataras profile image
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Gerasimos (Makis) Maropoulos • Edited

In short, prefork is done through Unix' SO_REUSEADDR and it does not work on Windows hosts. You can implement preforking on any web framework, including the standard net/http. A good library (that iris uses too) is tcplisten by @valyala the creator of fasthttp and a good friend. Example code:

 listenerCfg := tcplisten.Config{
    ReusePort:   true,
    DeferAccept: true,
    FastOpen:    true,

for i:=0;i<runtime.NumCPU();i++ {

    /* 1. inline servers, share the same binary.
    ln, err := listenerCfg.NewListener("tcp4", ":8080")
    if err != nil {
    go http.Serve(ln, yourMux_Router)

    /*2. Start the same binary with an argument of `--prefork`
         or anything that will mark the server as a fork. 
        and finally:


http.ListenAndServe(":8080", yourMux_Router) // blocks. 

Also, see the discussion at the fasthttp repository itself:

I noticed that you recently removed the prefork method from your TechEmpower
benchmark code. Do you no longer believe the prefork method to offer better performance? by @manthedan at

fenny profile image

Preforking is making use of multiple socket listeners on OS level. We explained preforking with images in our docs

davidmz profile image
Давид Мзареулян

Does prefork mean that workers are executed in different processes (not goroutines) and cannot communicate or share memory with each other?

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fenny profile image
Fenny • Edited

This is correct, preforking is for specific use cases. If you work with an external database it should be no problem, because you can pool connections. You can see a good result here:

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