While researching for some dashboard-related inspiration for a product I recently developed (listed below), I came across some exciting and fully open-source React dashboard templates that I couldn't resist collecting and sharing with you all.
This list includes some of the best (and totally free), React admin and dashboard templates, packed with everything you need to create high-quality apps for yourself or your clients.
These templates also respect some quality factors that I think are very important for every open-source product:
- 100% free: Resources that are free up-front but later costs money to run can be a major burden, especially if you haven't considered hidden costs from the beginning.
- Beautifully designed/coded: Nobody wants to depend on code that is difficult to understand, or on a user interface that is poorly created/designed.
- Fully documented: We use ready-made templates to speed up the development process, so we don't want to waste our time guessing what we can and cannot do with the code.
1. Mosaic Lite
The first template in this list is the brilliant Mosaic Lite React Template. It’s a fully free template built with tons of pre-built live charts and widgets, interactive modals and pickers, and a fresh and modern design to make your next web app looks stylish and user-friendly.
- Fully functional charts built with Chart.js 3
- Tiles-based user interface
- Desktop and mobile live demos
2. Corona
Corona is a sleek and dark admin dashboard from BootstrapDash that is super easy to customize and set up. The free version comes with a rich set of features that you can use on the go, and if you need more functionalities, there is also a full version that includes everything you need to take your product to the next level.
- Multiple pages and styled-components
- Cross-browser compatibility
- Material Design Icons
3. Volt
Volt React is an open-source admin dashboard template built in React.js and based on the latest version of the Bootstrap 5 CSS framework. It highlights over 100 elements, and the library has been built using a data-driven methodology, meaning that a large part of data is transferred to the components as an array of objects.
- Over 100 React UI elements included
- Sass preprocessing language
- Tutorials and documentation available
4. Azia
Azia is yet another incredible admin template packed with a lot of components, UI elements, and built-in sample pages. This product comes with all the pieces that fit your needs but are not cramped with segments you would never use. This result is an excellent fit to build admin panels, e-commerce systems, project management systems, CMS, or CRM.
- Provides both compiled and minified variations
- Luxurious directories and files
- Clean and well-commented code
5. Connect Plus
Presenting your product with Connect Plus React Free is an ideal pick if you're looking for a jump-starting starter template for your next project. Although this product has a design like none other it comes with a clean and well-commented code that makes it easy to work with partners and colleagues collaboratively.
- Multiple and interactive dashboard views
- Classy and elegant React diagrams
- Data representation tables
6. Star Admin
Data visualization and representation is often a hard and daunting task, but with Star Admin React you can get a powerful admin template with various tables, maps, apps, and more essential elements out of the box. This product offers unlimited customization options and allows the addition of unique touches to make the design unique.
- Flexible look for different outcome needs
- Pre-crafted application content
- Advanced and dynamic chart library
7. Materially
Materially provides you with all possible app pages and ingredients to serve any application requirement with minimum configuration. This product appears with multiple choices for widgets, chart icons, and many more features assembled with a meaningful code structure, and pleasant layout structure.
- Various types of colored tables
- Vertical, light, and dark layouts
- Fast loading speed and page rendering
8. Datta Able
Datta Able Admin Template comes with a tremendous selection of pre-designed parts that you can easily adapt to any screen size. The code structure is highly flexible to use and modify, and the concept of the dashboard is very elegant eye catchy for modern endeavors. So, If you are looking for advanced settings, Datta Able is one most intriguing resources of this kind in the current market.
- Fully developer-centric code
- UI kit included as part of the download
- Fulfills every Dashboard needs
9. Tabler
There are plenty of opportunities for business owners who can show off their projects with a sleek and functional dashboard template like Tabler React. The main layout enables you to see the number of members, the amount they are earning, and the total estimate chart gives you a clear view of what you can improve when selling online.
- Responsive and high-quality UI
- Fixes for package updates
- Interactive tiles to display live stats
10. Airframe
Airframe is a Dashboard and analytics template that works great on any smartphone, tablet, or desktop device. With its minimalist and innovative Light UI, this product will let you build amazing and powerful applications with a fully structured interface designed for large-scale applications with a detailed step-by-step documentation requirement.
- 10+ layout variations
- Webpack based React app
- Updated on a regular basis
11. Material Admin
React Material Admin is a react dashboard template built with the Material-UI framework, and it's totally jQuery and Bootstrap free as several developers are demanding. This React template is a glorious pick to produce front-end interfaces for SAAS and IoT dashboards as it's continuously updated according to the latest market inclinations.
- Multiple colored card layouts
- Full support via forum and email
- Notifications bar and Authentication
12. AdminPro
If you have a project that needs several peculiarities and options, AdminPro Lite is the perfect React admin template to assists you along the process. This resource includes lots of useful tools to create nice and beautiful admin panels without reducing effectiveness and development abilities due to different front-end technologies that interact together.
- Ready to use chart options
- Application PSD files
- front-end landing page included
13. MatX
MatX is a feature-packed yet simple codebase React admin dashboard template. The free version of this glorious product includes pre-built Material UI components, Code splitting, SASS integrations, and last but not least it offers multiple possibilities to build web and mobile front-ends for management systems, project management, CMS, CRM, and more.
- Firebase authentication
- Infinite scroll grid
- Plan and pricing pages
14. Devias Kit
Devias Kit is a conscious material design admin dashboard organized particularly for React developers using Google Material Design for possible interactions, responsive layout grids, Shaping hierarchy, and more. This template grows prepared with intuitive catalogs and files so that you can have anything you need to kickstart awesome panels with custom buttons and with an additional fullscreen switch.
- Available in dark and light mode
- Includes several demo pages
- Can be upgraded to the full version
15. Argon
Argon Dashboard React is built with over 100 individual components to give developers all the freedom they need to create impressive web applications and websites. Each element in this product comes arranged in very complex documentation, so the development process is seamless, and you can quickly set up the basic structure for your web project with ease.
- Several pre-built page examples
- Bright palette with gradient backgrounds
- Chic and streamlined user interface
16. Bamburgh
Quickly start the development of your next product using this admin dashboard template built by UiFort. This template is free, and fully coded acknowledging the unique visual design standards of the responsive design, and It contains a set of fully customized Bootstrap elements just like the bonus version released under the MIT license.
- Examples pages and starter kits
- Compatible with multiple frameworks
- Modular design architecture
17. OAH-Admin
OAH-Admin is a generous React dashboard template developed on top of Gatsby with super components included in the package. This powerful template appears with stylized UI accessories and a soft dark layout that enables anyone to effortlessly generate user interfaces for SaaS-based web applications, admin panels, CRM, and analytics dashboards.
- Scalable palette scheme
- Multiple background options
- Styled application states
18. CoreUI
CoreUI React Admin Template lets you save hundreds of invaluable hours in development work because it offers everything you need to create modern, beautiful, and responsive React.js-based responsive web applications. This product supports the most popular frameworks, and it's used by thousands and companies and developers around the world.
- SCSS and Javascript source files
- Data-rich responsive charts
- Enterprise-level support
19. Shards Lite
Shards Lite is a free React dashboard template bundle featuring a modern design system and numerous custom layouts and components. This template provides a modular foundation that can be easily extended to fit almost any type of development environment, and it's well documented so you can start building impressive user interfaces in a snap.
- Solid and consistent design system
- Highly optimized for performance
- FontAwesome and Material icon packs
20. Black Dashboard
Black is an extraordinary React app template for admin interfaces. Built on top of the design guidelines produced by Bootstrap, this template is an outstanding front-end opportunity for enterprise clients giving them the freedom of choosing and combining elements. It includes higher-level segments, design kits, and reusable graphs to improve the usability and development experience from the start to the end.
- 16 individual components
- Packed with various plugins
- Easily change views and positions
21. Boss Lite
Boss Lite is an admin dashboard template based on React and Redux. It provides startups with a clean and contemporary design center constructed with the result of several hand-made color themes. This template has been built to makes the development method easy and fast, and it's supported by workflows with flexible layout and flexbox.
- Easily manage data collection
- 25+ reusable modules
- High performance with SSR
22. Material PRO
Many React admin templates in this collection have a tiny scheme to get you started developing your app, but Material PRO has that and much more. With Material PRO, you’ll find fully explained code, extraordinary documentation, and video guides to help you quickly set up stunning pages with comfort. If you're in a rush to release your product, this is a great template to help you with it.
- Various table examples
- 6 Months Free Updates
- Integrated plugins
23. Isomorphic
Isomorphic is a flexible and good-looking admin template with tonnes of adjustable ingredients meticulously produced to combine the best of dense technology and the magic of the sharp design. With Isomorphic you can instantly configure different positions, sizes, and attributes of any element to accommodate any kind of existing admin project.
- Ready-made carousels and popovers
- Layouts with project summary
- Demo links with the source code
24. Light Blue
While almost all React templates available as an open-source project has a good quantity of reusable UI segments to choose from, Light Blue has the most comprehensive list separated into different categories. With numerous pages and elements (including dashboard sample, typography, tables, maps, and icons), this template makes it easy to modify your admin dashboard with very little custom development.
- Styled Bootstrap components
- Responsive charts
- Notifications styles
25. Flatlogic One
Flatlogic One is a radically new template produced with React 16 and several hours of coding. The template is very fitting for developing analytics and data tables applications as it gives customizable and reusable React components for creating modern responsive web applications. The template is made with three different colors, and the navigation on the left sidebar is designed at the center-right panel for accessibility purposes.
- Widgets integrated with Google Maps
- Datatables developed from scratch
- Static and dynamic sidebars
26. Contrast
Contrast admin dashboard was created with dynamic components to let the users see very vital and important information without scrolling up and down the page when a new graph loads. This approach is especially useful if you want to tweak the dashboard without editing personal notes to leave the code intact as for the documentation.
- Free for personal and commercial usage
- Technical support included
- Built with the latest code standards
27. Reduction
React Reduction work alongside Create React App, which means that all the characteristics that create-react-app supports are available in this awesome template without differences. You can choose to have a clean layout with the admin panel behind a cover or move the decoration to the top, and you also have command over what data and menu options are available as part of the ornament.
- Different live previews available
- Navigation panel on the left
- Subscription bar integration
28. Isomorphic Admin
Almost every resource in this list misses a template for strategic dashboards to track key performance indicators, but Isomorphic Admin has multiple layouts of this kind that you can use to build dashboards with many strategic points and order-processing sections for order status. You may use it also to bootstrap the development of different types of web apps, such as SaaS products, and operational admins.
- Mobile-friendly layout
- Utility classes for rapid development
- Server-Side Rendering
29. Monster
Monster React is a free React and Redux-based admin dashboard template, which will help you create stunning web administrations and productized services with ease. This template comes with customizable React hooks parts and many ready-to-use fashion features that will give your users a great adventure while running your application, clicking from a button experience to another.
- Designed by industry-leading designers
- Multipurpose backend interface
- Multiple extended use
30. React Admin
React Admin is designed as a library of free React components built on top of Material UI in addition to custom React hooks exposing reusable controller inputs and logic. This template allows you to easily replace any part of the main structure with your own, and it supports different front-end frameworks that you can adapt according to your development needs and as the app grows over time.
- Highly customizable interface
- Large library of data types
- Supports any form layout
Do you have other React dashboard templates and themes to recommend? Feel free to share your favorite ones, and we’ll add the best to the list.
Top comments (10)
Great list. 🙌
All the Dashboard Template looks impressive and useful. 💯
We would recommend you to check the Materio Free MUI React Next js Admin Template.
Its the Most Powerful & Comprehensive React Dashboard Template that provide unique layouts.⚡
Good list. Thanks for the efforts in compiling this list.
OAH-Admin #19 seems wrongly pointing to the same URL of #18. FYI.
Hey Jay, thanks for letting me know about the wrong URL. I just fixed it!
Nice one.....Just exactly what i needed. Thanks
Love the list!
We recently created also a free, open-source dashboard template built with React / Next.js, Tailwind CSS and Tremor.
Check it out here: dashboard.tremor.so/
👀taking a look
Thanks Davide for Adding Materially into your list. It would be nice if you give chance to add the Berry React into this list.
brooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, true brother here
Estou procurando por um template em nodejs no segmento de multinível.
Se alguém puder me indicar, ficarei imensamente grato.
Hi, i want to learn it and want to use one of these templates in designing a helpdesk. how can i use it and which backend should i use ?
any help will be appreciated.