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Discussion on: Learn From My Mistakes: My First Take-Home Code Challenge

davidcstoll profile image
David Stoll • Edited

Great write-up! I especially connect with not trying to make your code perfect out the gate and focusing on having something that's functional. You can always go back and refactor, but perfect code that doesn't work doesn't do anything for you. I really like the sentiment from Ryan Florence on Twitter the other day highlighting that shitty code is necessary sometimes to get your product to market,

`There are two types of software companies: those that ship code that embarrasses their engineers and those that go bankrupt.`

aidiri profile image
Aidi Rivera

Thank you, this is a great quote! And yes, this is definitely something I struggle with, trying to make something perfect before putting it out in the world. It usually means I overstress and take way more time than needed, time that's best spent moving on to other, more productive things. (I will ignore how long this took me to see and respond to...)