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David Beechey
David Beechey

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Transfer your domain and create a simple Google Site!

In this guide I’m going to help you set up a new Google Site that uses your existing domain name! We’ll be using Google Domains are our domain registrar because this streamlines the setup process.

This is a very cost effective and easy way to set up a website without any coding, particularly if you’re work or school already use Google services.

Step 1 — Setting up a Google Account

To use Google Domains + Google Sites in the most seamless way, you want to have both services tied to a personal Google Account. If you don’t have an existing account then you can create a new one just for website management.

Note: you can’t use a managed (e.g. school or work) Google account for publishing a Google Site to a custom domain name, which is why you need to set up a new personal (“”) address.

Step 2— Move your domain name to Google Domains

To transfer your domain name to Google Domains, you can follow this guide from Google. If you have a or .uk domain then you have to follow this guide which is slightly different.

Make sure you transfer the domain name to the personal Google Account you’re using for website management.

Step 3 — Create a new Google Site

The next step is to create a Google Site. You can do this by going to or by typing into your browser.

Step 4 — Setting up the custom domain in Google Sites

Now go to the Settings (icon in the top left):

Settings cog

Now go to Custom domains > Start setup:

Custom domains settings

Remember: If you can’t see the Custom domains setting, make sure you’re logged into the personal Google Account as if you have a managed account this option will not show up.

Now we can just click on “Select a domain from Google Domains”:

Select a domain from Google Domains

If you’re setting up this Google Site to be your main website (e.g., then add www. as the domain and click the “Redirect root domain to this site” button:

Adding your custom domain

If everything has worked correctly, then you should see your domain under “Connected domains”:

List of connected domains

Now all you need to do is rename your website and add some page content! You should now be able to click the publish button on the top left of the page.

Publish button

Now just give your site a web address (this won’t be used as your users will be using your custom domain, but still give it a sensible name). As you can see, underneath it says that within 48 hours the website will be viewable on our custom domain (usually this is pretty quick though).

Publishing your site

That’s it! Google Sites takes care of all of the website hosting and everything for free so the only cost is for your domain from Google Domains.

Step 5 — Add editors

Now that the website is all set up, you can share it with others so that they can edit it. These editors can be school/work Google Accounts. You can also set up viewers who can see unpublished changes if you want to have a review stage before changes are made to your website.

I’ve already created a Google Site on a managed account!

If you’ve been making a Google Site on a managed account don’t panic! Just share it with the personal Google Account and then make a copy in that account.

I hope this has been useful, good luck publishing your first Google Site!

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