DEV Community

David Ojeda
David Ojeda

Posted on

What are you learning or planning to learn next? 📚

Are you struggling with something specific?

Top comments (15)

daniel13rady profile image
Daniel Brady • Edited

I'm learning how to use tools I've used for years!

I've worked in the mobile web space for nearly 4 years now, but I've never built a web{site,app} without collaborating on it with at least one coworker, and we usually work where our strengths lie.

So I'm trying to build a personal website using tools I've been a passive consumer of until now. Things like GatsbyJS, webpack, esLint, Prettier, CSS, Netlify, .... They've always come to me in some state of "already been setup."

david_ojeda profile image
David Ojeda

Sounds great! The DEV integration with Stackbit can help you.

daniel13rady profile image
Daniel Brady

I'm learning how to cope with the loneliness that comes with being a remote/distributed worker in a "global" company that doesn't communicate well outside of their San Francisco headquarters. is a great community to find for that purpose 😄 ❤️

david_ojeda profile image
David Ojeda

That's indeed something most remote workers have to deal with sooner or later. I got a dog to help!

The DEV community has made an astonishing effort to keep good conversations flowing 👌🏼

daniel13rady profile image
Daniel Brady • Edited

I'm transitioning into a DevOps role next month, so I'm about to start learning a ton about the infrastructure I've been standing on for the last 3 years 🤩 We handle something like 4 billion web requests a day, so I'm really curious what the needs are for a system that can handle that!

david_ojeda profile image
David Ojeda

That's a lot of requests 🤯Wish you the best in your new role!

I maintain our app's infrastructure in my current job, but it's not even close to that scale 🤪

daniel13rady profile image
Daniel Brady

I'm learning how to operate more effectively in a space where I need to be collaborating with people at all levels of a business; across the various time zones, languages and cultures of San Francisco, Boston, London, and Seoul; on a daily basis.

david_ojeda profile image
David Ojeda

Swapping the technical jargon for more friendly words/descriptions can make a huge difference

david_ojeda profile image
David Ojeda

I want to learn Rails!

I already know Grails, the JVM version of Rails, so I think it will come naturally given the similarities.

daniel13rady profile image
Daniel Brady

If you're not already, I highly recommend getting familiar with Ruby before diving into Rails!

It's often hard to know where the magic is coming from when using Rails, and being able to discern upfront whether it's Rails magic or just Ruby magic is invaluable during troubleshooting and debugging 😁

daniel13rady profile image
Daniel Brady

This was my main resource used to prepare for a summer internship working with Ruby. I love this guide, it made learning a breeze and super entertaining.

Thread Thread
david_ojeda profile image
David Ojeda

Checking it right now! I love the style, certainly very different from most "Learn x" books.

Thanks for the recommendation!

daniel13rady profile image
Daniel Brady

I'm learning how to use Docker, Python, and REST APIs by writing a Github Action for one of my project workflows.

daniel13rady profile image
Daniel Brady

I'm learning how to write English, and communicate effectively to other humans. It's hard, even as a native speaker 😅

david_ojeda profile image
David Ojeda

A really, really important skill, especially if you are a remote worker since most of your communication is written.

I can recommend the book On Writing Well. It helped me a lot with my writing!