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Intro: k3s, a less needy Kubernetes,

David J Eddy on August 01, 2019

What is all this? The official documentation states "...k3s is a intended to be a fully compliant production-grade Kubernetes distribution with [t...
vladoportos profile image

I have kubernete cluster made out of Rpi4s everything is fine, I just can't find information about where the pods are stored. What I mean, is nobody ever talks about the storage ( not storage that is mounted into the pods ) but lets say your SD card is 2Gb, the pods that run on the node can't be bigger than 2Gb logically, right ? So where to specify so the kubernete nodes/k3s use for example USB disk for the temporary FS for pods ?

quinncuatro profile image
Henry Quinn

Functionally, the same API as K8s?

david_j_eddy profile image
David J Eddy • Edited

"...fully compliant Kubernetes distribution..." -

I take that to mean it meets the requirements set for by the K8S team to a drop in replacement. Like how MariaDB is a MySQL compliant replacement.

K3S does not have all the extra / fancy / additional / not 100% required to run a cluster extra parts.

quinncuatro profile image
Henry Quinn

Roger, that's what I figured. Just setting up an RPi Kubernetes cluster next week and didn't know if I should be dumping time into K8s or K3s. Might have to try both!

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david_j_eddy profile image
David J Eddy

I'd be interested in your experience with k3s if you go that route.