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PAT Task 2

Please find below testing techniques

1. Boundary value analysis
Boundary value analysis (BVA) is a Black-box testing procedure in software testing.

BVA is a testing method to check the application functionality with boundary values. Minimum and maximum values are the boundary values.

Any inputs in the application have a minimum and maximum limit of value for both valid and invalid entries.

For example:
In a company, age limit for the employee should be from 21 to 55.

  • Here minimum valid boundary value is 21 and maximum is 55.
  • Since invalid boundary values are the values which below 21 and above 55.

2. Decision table testing
Decision table testing is a method to test the response of the software with various inputs which includes valid and invalid values.

Decision table will contain all the possible scenarios of valid and invalid inputs to the application. Hence this method is very useful to identify in which case the application is not functioning as expected.

For example:
Lets take a form which has 3 details like name, ph #, photo. Below is the description table.

Image description

3. Use Case testing
Use case testing is a method to check a end-to-end functionality of an application unlike testing each components individually. It is one of black box testing procedure basically done by developers.

It used to understand the behavior of an application if it works as per the requirements from client.


  • Uses to identify the functional requirement of any feature
  • Simple way of view and test cases
  • Testing from user’s point of view


  • Since it observed as from user’s end, there is possibilities of missing any required functionalities.

4. LCSAJ Testing
Linear code sequence and Jump is a white box testing method which is to identify coverage of the code.

The objective of LCSAJ testing is to identify and verify that the code executes correctly in scenarios where it follows linear paths and makes jumps to other sections of the code.

It uses to identify the code coverage from start to end or from any branch to end of the code. It also uses to identify how much codes have executed with existing test cases hence new test cases can be build based on its result.

For example,
consider a program that includes an "if-else" statement:

LCSAJ testing would involve analyzing the sequence of operations from the start of the "if" condition, through the execution of statements inside the block, and then jumping to either the "else" block or the next section of code.

This technique ensures that the code flows correctly and handles jumps, branches, or loops without introducing errors such as unexpected behaviors or logical failures.

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