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Lucca Sanwald
Lucca Sanwald

Posted on • Originally published at

Debugging by talking to yourself

Sometimes I have to read code that I either didn't write myself or haven't looked at in a while.
This can be a daunting task.

Where do I start?
How do I prevent getting lost in details?
How do I keep track of all the fractions of code I've already looked at?
How can I learn as much as possible from my endeavour?
How can I finish this task as fast as possible?

If the code is somehow observable (like a User Interface) I would probably want to observe what the code actually does before understanding the code itself.
Afterwards I identify the files responsible for the interactions seen on screen,
and come up with hypotheses which code component is responsible for which observable interaction on the screen.
But before I've verified my first hypothesis I may already feel overwhelmed by following a logical and trying to understand all its possible outcomes.
This is where my favourite debugging technique comes into play.

✍️ Talking to yourself in notion

Instead of running through all these logical branches in my head,
I pick the one that seems most relevant to my problem and start writing down my thought process in my favourite note-taking app.
I prefer notion as it supports nesting collapsible text blocks which allows you to hide your nested lines of thought if they become less relevant.

🎥 Original post contains a Video available on

I start with a question and try to answer it by following my line of thought.
Then I move through the code line by line and write down what it does and how it affects what I see on the screen.

In this example I wanted to find out: "what happens if I click the publish button when creating a new article?" inside the React RealWorld App (GitHub)
If this process brings up new questions, I write them down and try to answer them in a collapsible text block. Sometimes I decide to postpone answering a question.
Then I mark this question with a "🤔" emoji, so I don't forget that I haven't answered it yet.
In this example I asked myself the question: "Why do we set state.submitting flag to true . Which part of the app code reacts to this state? "
I assumed this flag could trigger something relevant in the code, but it turned out it only disables the editor form.

Occasionally I skip following a line of thought and make assumptions about how the code works to progress faster. To make sure I don't forget what I skipped, I mark it with a "🙈" emoji.
In my example I assumed that <ArticleEditor disabled={true} .../> will disable the whole form inside ArticleEditor. Because this is not relevant for my problem at hand I can safely ignore it until it becomes relevant.

You may think this is a time-wasting process. Why not go through this in my head instead?
It may be true that it takes a bit longer to write down your thoughts, but it has some undeniable benefits over "keeping everything in my head"

  • If I get distracted I still know where to continue
  • By writing down what I've done, I always have a record of the approaches I've used to solve the underlying problem.
  • I see which part of he code I may have only checked superficially, and I can come back to if it becomes relevant.
  • You also know which questions you haven't answered yet. Did you make some hypothesis but never verified them and based your whole debugging process on it?

In the end there is no silver bullet, and I don't find this approach particularly helpful if the task at hand is manageable in size.
But when I feel overwhelmed by a Task this is my go-to approach to eat the elephant with small bites 🐘

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