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Daryl Young
Daryl Young

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The Principles I Followed While Building Java Microservice

A Java microservice is a small, independent service that performs a specific function within a more extensive system. The microservice architecture is a way to build highly scalable, resilient, and maintainable software systems. Microservices are typically made using various programming languages, with Java being one of the most popular choices due to its robust ecosystem and wide range of libraries and frameworks.

Principles of Building Java Microservice

When building a Java microservice, it's essential to keep a few fundamental principles in mind:

Decentralized governance: Each microservice should be independently deployable and have its lifecycle. This allows teams to work on different microservices without interfering with one another.

Single responsibility: A microservice should have a single, well-defined responsibility. This makes it easy to understand and maintain and helps ensure that changes to one microservice don't inadvertently affect other parts of the system.

Loosely coupled: Microservices should communicate with one another over a network rather than being tightly integrated. This allows greater flexibility and makes it easier to scale and evolve the system.

Automated deployment: Microservices should be deployed automatically and consistently using tools like Docker and Kubernetes. This helps ensure that deployments are repeatable and reliable.

Monitoring and logging: It's essential to keep monitoring and logging in place to monitor the system's health and troubleshoot any issues that arise.

Frameworks And Libraries Used To Build Java Microservices

Several popular Java frameworks and libraries can be used to build Java microservices. Some of the most popular include

  • Spring Boot
  • Dropwizard
  • WildFly Swarm

Each framework provides tools and conventions that make it easy to develop and deploy microservices.

For example, Spring Boot is a popular choice for building microservices because it provides a set of conventions and a set of out-of-the-box functionalities for the standard requirements in a microservice. It also provides a lot of integration with other Spring projects and libraries.


In summary, Java microservices are small, independent services built to be highly scalable, resilient, and maintainable. When you hire Java developers to build Java microservices, it's essential to keep in mind principles such as decentralized governance, single responsibility, loose coupling, automated deployment, and monitoring and logging.

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