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Setup Soroban Dev Environment On Windows(Ubuntu-WSL)

Hi! in my first post here,i will post about how to setup Soroban Dev Environment On Windows(Ubuntu-WSL). Here is the step-by-step :

1. Install WSL and Ubuntu

To install WSL, open the command prompt as administrator and run this following command:

wsl --install
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Installing WSL
If the command doesn't install the Ubuntu distro automatically, use this command to install it:

wsl --install -d ubuntu
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After installation, open Ubuntu and set up your username and password.

Setup Ubuntu Username and Password

Run this command to update everything:

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
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Note: You need administrator privileges to run the wsl command in the command prompt.

2. Install Rust

Soroban smart contracts is written in Rust. To install Rust, use this following command

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
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And install the wasm32-unknown-unknown target with this command:

rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
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3. Install GCC Compiler

The GCC (GNU Compiler Collection) is a collection of compilers and libraries for various programming languages. It is needed to install Soroban-CLI. Use this following command to install it:

sudo apt install build-essential
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4. Install Soroban-CLI

Soroban-CLI is the command-line multi-tool for interacting with Soroban contracts. Use this following command to install it:

cargo install --locked --version 0.6.0 soroban-cli
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After installation, run the soroban command. If everything is working fine, you should get an output similar to:

$ soroban
soroban 0.6.0

    soroban <SUBCOMMAND>

    -h, --help    Print help information

    contract      Tools for smart contract developers
    config        Read and update config
    serve         Run a local webserver for web app development and testing
    events        Watch the network for contract events
    lab           Experiment with early features and expert tools
    version       Print version information
    completion    Print shell completion code for the specified shell

    gen           Generate code client bindings for a contract
    xdr           Decode xdr
    version       Print version information
    completion    Print shell completion code for the specified shell
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Your Soroban Development Environment on Windows(Ubuntu-WSL) already set! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰ And you can start tinkering with soroban smart contracts(write contracts,deploy,invoke,etc)

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