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Svelte vs. React


During recent years, there has been a continuous increase in the number of new JavaScript libraries and frameworks, all claiming to address the challenges of developing quick and effective user interfaces (UIs) with smaller package sizes and better performance.

The ongoing struggle among developers and software engineers to determine the best JavaScript framework or library for building UIs is fueled by the consistent introduction of new options.

Some of the libraries and frameworks mentioned are React, VueJS, Angular, Svelte, Nue and Ember, as well as others.

Personally, I think that if you want to create user interfaces, both React and Svelte are great options. Although React is excellent for efficiently building larger applications, Svelte is more appropriate for smaller applications that require high performance.

In this article, I will be examining the differences between Svelte and React, exploring the purposes of Svelte, and comparing it with the React framework. I will respond to queries like:

The Philosophies.

React: A Tool for Constructing User Interfaces.

Created and supported by Facebook, React is a JavaScript library specifically made for constructing user interfaces. In 2013, React transformed developers' approach to UI development by introducing a component-based structure and the idea of a virtual DOM. It focuses on a declarative method, explaining the desired appearance of your UI for a specific state, leaving React to handle the remaining tasks.

The fundamental principles of react:

  • Component-based architecture involves breaking down the user interface into components that can be reused.

  • Declarative UI enables you to define the UI state, with React managing the rendering process.

  • Encouraging reusability across the web and mobile, React Native promotes learning once and writing anywhere.

Svelte: A Tool for Improved Performance via Compilation

Svelte, created by Rich Harris, is a new innovation that has garnered significant attention for its unique approach. Unlike React, Svelte is not a library or framework; instead, it is a compiler. It shifts most tasks from the browser to the building process, resulting in highly effective vanilla JavaScript code that interacts with the DOM directly.

The core principles of Svelte are:

Compile-Time Optimization refers to the practice of transferring responsibilities from the user's side to the compilation stage in order to improve system efficiency while it is running.

Reactive programming eliminates the need for virtual DOM by automatically updating the UI with changes in state. It reduces the quantity of redundant code required to handle state and user interaction.

Experience in development

The developer ecosystem of React.

React has an extensive and well-developed ecosystem. The extensive usage of it leads to a wide array of resources, libraries, and tools at your disposal. React developers have advantages such as a wide range of third-party components, a supportive community, and powerful tools like Create React App, Next.js, and numerous plugins for popular text editors.

React's wide acceptance has led to a larger group of skilled developers and plenty of resources like documentation, tutorials, and community help available. Nevertheless, new learners of JavaScript frameworks may find the learning process challenging, as they must grasp concepts such as JSX, state management (e.g., utilizing Redux or Context API), and hooks, resulting in a steep learning curve.

The Developer Experience of Svelte

Svelte aims to streamline the development process by cutting down on boilerplate code and making reactive programming easy to understand. Its structure is straightforward and succinct, enabling programmers to write fewer lines of code to accomplish the same tasks. This could lead to a more satisfying and efficient development process, particularly for those who are new.

The Svelte community is expanding, yet still quite young when compared to React. Even though third-party libraries and resources are limited, the official documentation is top-notch, and the community is lively and inclusive. Emerging tools like SvelteKit aim to offer a more complete development environment.

Differences between Svelte and React: a head-to-head comparison.

In this part, we will examine the main distinctions between React and Svelte and draw some comparisons.

  1. Scaffolding and building: React and Svelte have simple installation and scaffolding procedures, yet React has a more complex ecosystem with additional boilerplate and customization choices compared to Svelte's ease.

  2. Variations: React uses a virtual DOM to improve updates, whereas Svelte gets rid of the virtual DOM in place of concise code. Both offer benefits based on the specific situation. Both React and Svelte allow for effective component organization, although React has a wider range of tools available in its ecosystem.

  3. Performance: Svelte changes the DOM directly when state changes occur, whereas React's virtual DOM adds some extra work. Both provide impressive performances that keep getting better.

  4. Documentation: They both offer fantastic documentation. React has comprehensive documentation and abundant resources, whereas Svelte has extremely concise documentation. React has a vast, established community, whereas Svelte's community is smaller but showing consistent growth.

  5. Learning Curve: Svelte's reactivity and simplified syntax make its learning curve slightly easier. The wide range of resources available in React's ecosystem makes it worth investing time in.


Both Svelte and React possess distinct advantages and are effective instruments for proficient developers. React's established status and vast support system make it a dependable option for big and enduring projects, whereas Svelte's original techniques bring notable speed advantages and an invigorating developer journey.

In the end, your decision between Svelte and React will be based on the needs of your project, team skills, and future objectives. By comprehending the fundamental principles and benefits of each, one can choose wisely according to their requirements. Regardless of whether you opt for the tried-and-tested React or the innovative Svelte, both frameworks have the ability to produce outstanding web applications.

My expectations for the HNG internship.

My expectations for the HNG internship are that I'm looking forward to learning and growing as a frontend developer and also collaborating with talented, like-minded individuals.

The opportunity to work with React during the internship is great because it's a very popular and highly used tool in the industry.

To learn more about this amazing opportunity, visit Whether you are looking to hire top talent, check out

Written by DannyTech

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