DEV Community

Discussion on: Dev To WordPress - A wordpress plugin to show your DEV posts

danku profile image
Daniel McMahon

Hey this is a cool idea and well done! I'm curious, are you somehow passing your specific accounts auth in a request to to get you're posted articles then and parsing the response to display the articles? Since there is no API I imagine this was a little awkward to workaround?

andersonjoseph profile image
Anderson. J

Well, the articles are public so send auth credentials in requests isn't necessary. I'm only passing an user id and the number of posts to fetch. When I was learning some Node js, one of my first learning projects was a CLI for in that project I also used the same point for request articles, I found that point looking in the network logs of my browser. After a few days I was waiting for any error with the url (404 or something like that), but after 5 months, everything still working! So I used the same point for this, the response is in JSON with all the articles info. So it made me the things a little bit easier.
The awkward part is having that super-hard-coded url for fetch the articles. As soon we get an official API, I will update the code.