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Danities Ichaba
Danities Ichaba

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Building Blocks with JavaScript: Understanding Constructor Functions

Imagine you're playing with building blocks. You have different types of blocks, like red blocks, blue blocks, and green blocks. Each block has its own unique characteristics, like its color, shape, and size.

In JavaScript, a constructor function is like a blueprint for creating objects with similar characteristics. It's like having a special machine that can create blocks for you. When you use the machine, it takes in some information, like the color and size you want for your block, and it builds a new block for you.

The constructor function acts as that special machine. It's a function that you write in JavaScript that helps you create objects with certain properties. It's called a "constructor" because it constructs or builds new objects based on the blueprint you define.

Here's an example:

function Block(color, size, shape) {
  this.color = color;
  this.size = size;
  this.shape = shape;

const redBlock = new Block("red", "small", "square");
const blueBlock = new Block("blue", "medium", "triangle");

console.log(redBlock.color); // Output: "red"
console.log(blueBlock.size); // Output: "medium"
console.log(blueBlock.shape); // Output: "triangle"

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So, just like the special machine that helps you create blocks with specific characteristics, the constructor function helps you create objects with specific properties. It's a way to create many objects of the same kind easily, like creating multiple blocks with different colors and sizes.

I hope that helps you understand constructor functions in JavaScript!

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