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What is React?

What is React?

React is an open source front end JavaScript library for designing user-interfaces in Single Page Applications.

An application in React is created by building separate components comprised of reusable HTML elements that can be dynamically rendered within the browser upon user action to create a seamless user experience similar to a native software application.

A React application is usually comprised of many small components which are loaded into one main App component to be displayed on the page.

Functional Components are basic JavaScript functions that are mainly used for rendering the user interface. They are sometimes called 'dumb' or 'stateless' components.

Hooks are a new feature introduced in React 16.8 that let you use state and other React features with function components without writing a class.

Components are built up of smaller pieces called elements. Elements are rendered in the React DOM to create our webpages.

Top comments (3)

marieweaver132 profile image
Marie Weaver • Edited

Thanks for sharing amazing blog. React is part of the open source. React can be used as a base in the development of single-page or mobile application.

codefinity profile image
Manav Misra

Great. Consider adding a few code snippet examples.

hrshmistry profile image
Harsh Mistry

useful information. thanks