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Dandy Vica
Dandy Vica

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Rust error management: lessons learned

As I improved my knowledge in managing user defined errors in Rust, I decide to share my experience building a CLI application.

Rust error management is powerful, using the Result construction. But it can be sometimes confusing, specially when associated with the ? operator. Using it greatly simplifies the error management in a Rust application, but also introduces a kind of magic, which makes the whole process difficult to untangle.

I decided to build my own error management, to better understand how it works. I didn't resort to custom error crates like anyhow or failure because I already started using mine. Implementing those could have led to a lot of breaking changes I simply couldn't afford.

The Result enum

This enum is described here: and introduces a result which can either be Ok or yield an error with the Err variant. This enum is generic and can be (should be) used whenever it's possible.

Here is a very simple but contrived example:

// returns the quotient a/b if a is divisible by b or an error message
fn divide(a: u32, b: u32) -> Result<u32, String> {
    if a % b == 0 {
        Ok(a / b)
    } else {
        Err(format!("{} is not divisible by {}", a, b))

fn main() {
    assert!(divide(5, 2).is_err());
    assert_eq!(&divide(5, 2).unwrap_err(), "5 is not divisible by 2");

    assert!(divide(6, 2).is_ok());
    assert_eq!(divide(6, 2).unwrap(), 3);    
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Note the different methods to get the core value or the error variant: unwrap() or unwrap_err().

The I/O Result

All I/O Rust standard library functions use a specific error type called Result which seems to be confusing at first sight. This is because the standard library is using an alias:

pub type Result<T> = result::Result<T, Error>;
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to lighten the I/O methods' prototypes. The Error defined above is specific to I/O methods which gives an indication of the underlying error, and is actually found in std::io::Error.

Here is an exemple:

fn main() {
    // open a non-existing file
    let f = std::fs::File::open("/foo");

    // analyze error
    let error = f.unwrap_err();
    assert_eq!(error.kind(), std::io::ErrorKind::NotFound);
    println!("error is: {}", error);
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One problem we can stumble upon here is the lack of context in the last message when printed out:

error is: No such file or directory (os error 2)
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The error message doesn't include the file name being tried to be opened.

 The ? operator

The ? operator allows you to greatly simplify the error management when calling nested functions or methods. It's a simple and convenient sugar for a match expression:

// opens a file and reads the file or return an I/O error
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{BufRead, BufReader};

// use std::io::Result on purpose to show it's an alias defined in std::io.
fn read_file(name: &str) -> std::io::Result<()> {
    let file = File::open(name)?;
    let buffer = BufReader::new(file);

    for line in buffer.lines() {
        println!("{}", line?);


fn main() {
    // read ok
    let result = read_file("/var/log/syslog");

    // read error
    let error = read_file("/foo");
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Without the ? operator, it's much more verbose (only the first line is desugared here):

let file = File::open(name);
let file = match file {
    Ok(file) => file,
    Err(e) => return Err(e),
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Nested calls

The power of the ? operator is that you can use it for all functions returning the same Result:

// read several files but use the same return result
fn read_files() -> std::io::Result<()> {

    // only read by root, so returns an error for a non-root user
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Returning errors from main()

You can also use the Result as a return for the main() function.

fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
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In case of an error, it displays the error message on the console when run:

Error: Os { code: 13, kind: PermissionDenied, message: "Permission denied" }
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Problem with several error types

Until now, everything is fine and dandy. But things get worse when not all results are of the same type. Suppose you get a file with a list of string regexes and you want to create a vector of Regex structs from the regex awesome crate:

// read a file and create a vector of Regex structs
use regex::Regex;

fn get_regexes(name: &str) -> std::io::Result<Vec<Regex>> {
    let file = File::open(name)?;
    let buffer = BufReader::new(file);
    let v = Vec::new();

    for line in buffer.lines() {
        let expr = line?;
        let re = Regex::new(&expr)?;
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This doesn't compile with the pretty cryptic message (at first sight):

the trait `std::convert::From<regex::Error>` is not implemented for `std::io::Error`
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When you have several error types coming from serde, parse etc this could be a nightmare with lots of compliing errors.

The solution is to implement the convertion methods and define an enum for storing all error types. You can also add the context by using the map_err method which converts all errors to your own defined error.

Using your own

Suppose you want to manage, for your CLI project, I/O, regex and serde error (you name it) in addition to your own. You'd like also to add some context, which is blatantly missing.

This is what I've done in one of my projects:

  • define a custom error enum:
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum AppCustomErrorKind {
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  • define an enum with all possible errors:
pub enum InternalError {
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  • define the application error I used, adding a context:
pub struct AppError {
    pub error_kind: InternalError,
    pub msg: String,

impl AppError {
    /// A simple and convenient creation of a new application error
    pub fn new_custom(kind: AppCustomErrorKind, msg: &str) -> Self {
        AppError {
            error_kind: InternalError::Custom(kind),
            msg: msg.to_string(),

    /// Convert from an internal error
    pub fn from_error<T: Into<InternalError>>(err: T, msg: &str) -> Self {
        AppError {
            error_kind: err.into(),
            msg: msg.to_string(),
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  • implement fmt:Display for all internal errors
  • implement std::convert::From for all internal errors
  • define a convenient alias:
pub type AppResult<T> = Result<T, AppError>;
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  • finally implement a context!() macro to bring the context to the error

You can browse the whole source here:

Now, using the map_err() method on a Result, it's easy to add additional information:

let file = std::fs::File::open(&file_name).map_err(|e| context!(e, "unable to read configuration file: {:?}", &file_name))?;
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A final word

The error management is sometimes left behind and tackled in the end of a project. My advice is to start thinking of it right from the beginning, because it often leads to a zillion of changes afterwards.

Hope this helps !

Photo by Sigmund on unsplah

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