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Adam Azuddin
Adam Azuddin

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The Power of State Management in Front-End Web Development: Introducing Zustand

Hey Coders,

Today, I want to share with you a realization that has completely transformed my approach to front-end web development: the importance of state management. In this blog post, we'll explore what state is in simple terms, and I'll illustrate its significance through a technical example using a movie list search project I'm currently working on. Moreover, I'll introduce you to Zustand, an alternative to Redux that is beginner-friendly and powerful. So, let's dive in!

Understanding State: A Simple Explanation

In the world of front-end development, state refers to the data that changes and affects the behavior of our application. It represents the current condition or snapshot of our user interface at any given moment. Imagine a movie list search application where users can type keywords to find relevant movies. The state of this application would include the user input, the list of movies fetched, and any other relevant data.

Technical Example: Movie List Search

To better grasp the concept, let's explore a technical example using a movie list search project. Assume you're building a movie search feature where users can enter keywords and receive a list of movie suggestions in real-time. Once they click on a movie suggestion, you want to redirect them to a movie details page. However, passing the entire JSON object for the movie to the link could be too long and inefficient.

Enter Zustand: A Simple and Powerful State Management Solution

At this point, you may have heard of Redux, a popular state management library in the React ecosystem. While Redux offers powerful features and benefits, it can be quite complex, especially for beginners. Instead, I recommend using Zustand, a lightweight state management library with a simple API and minimal boilerplate. You can quickly install Zustand via npm and get started right away.

Using Zustand in Your Movie List Search Project

To tackle the movie details page problem in our example, Zustand comes to the rescue. First, install Zustand in your project by running the following command in your terminal:

npm install zustand
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Next, define a global state using Zustand. Create a new file called movieStore.js and import Zustand:

import create from 'zustand';
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Now, let's define our global state using Zustand. In movieStore.js, define a store by calling create() and providing it a store configuration:

const useMovieStore = create((set) => ({
  selectedMovie: null,
  setSelectedMovie: (movie) => set({ selectedMovie: movie }),

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In the above code, we define a selectedMovie property in our state, initially set to null. We also define a setSelectedMovie function, which allows us to update the selectedMovie value.

Now, you can import and use the useMovieStore hook in any component that needs access to the global state:

import { useMovieStore } from './movieStore';

const MovieDetailsPage = () => {
  const setSelectedMovie = useMovieStore((state) => state.setSelectedMovie);
  const movie = // Fetch movie details from an API or local storage

  // Handle movie click event
  const handleMovieClick = () => {
    // Redirect to the dynamic route '/details/[movieName]'

  return (
      {/* Render movie details */}
      <button onClick={handleMovieClick}>Go to Movie Details</button>

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In the MovieDetailsPage component, we import the setSelectedMovie function from the useMovieStore hook.

We also fetch the movie details from an API or local storage and store it in the movie variable. When the user clicks on the movie, we call the setSelectedMovie function, passing in the movie object. This updates the selectedMovie value in our global state.

With Zustand, the updated selectedMovie value will be available to any other component that uses the useMovieStore hook. This means that when the user is redirected to the movie details page, we can retrieve the selected movie from the global state without having to pass a lengthy JSON object in the URL.

Conclusion: Planning Ahead for State Management

Through my movie list search project and the discovery of Zustand, I've come to realize the crucial role state management plays in front-end web development. Properly managing state allows us to efficiently handle data and ensure a smooth user experience. While Redux is a well-known solution, it can be overwhelming for beginners. Zustand offers a beginner-friendly alternative that simplifies state management without sacrificing power and flexibility.

Remember, before diving into coding, it's essential to plan your state management strategy. Think about the data that will change, the interactions between components, and how you can organize your state to ensure seamless communication and data flow throughout your application. Zustand provides a user-friendly approach to global state management, enabling you to build robust and maintainable applications.

So, embrace the power of state management and leverage tools like Zustand to make your development journey smoother and more enjoyable. Happy coding!

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