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Discussion on: Tips for developers switching from Windows to Mac

damjand profile image
Damjan Dimitrov

Very well written and very helpful!

For split screen window adjustments I would suggest Spectacle ( It's free and it offers pretty much any possible window layout customization and you can adjust the keyboard shortcuts yourself.

Also a small note - I notice you mentioned command + shift + i to be the hotkey for showing hidden files in Finder. I don't know if you have a different configuration, but in my case it is the shortcut to open the iCloud drive in Finder and the hotkey for displaying hidden files is command + shift + . (which I think is the default).

cathalmacdonnacha profile image
Cathal Mac Donnacha 🚀

Thanks, glad you found it helpful!

Thank you for the tip on Spectacle, I didn't even think to look at apps to solve this problem for me so I will check that out.

Also thanks for heads up on the incorrect shortcut, I have fixed that now 🤝

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