DEV Community

Discussion on: How can we stop age discrimination in tech?

damirtomic profile image
  1. We can't. Young people (myself included) are entusiastic and spend more time on the job because they don't have families. At the same time, employers have to pay us less than the seniors.

Work more for less money = $$$, that's how the management sees it. Even if juniors are less efficient, they work longer hours anyway :D

  1. It's not in the name of innovation, it's just cutting costs. "Innovation" has become the next bullshit word, such as "synergy", "cloud" etc. :D
moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

You're equating "senior" with "senior", age with role. You can be a senior developer (role) at age 25 and be in charge of a junior developer who is 50.

No company is going to pay the older employee more in that situation.