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#100DaysOfCloud | Day 2

What Did I learn -

Kubernetes is essentially a container management console or orchestration module that can deploy thousands of containers with one command and perform rolling updates and can scale up and down, similar to an application load balancer in AWS (You can use an ELB in EKS). It manages decisions, scheduling, and configs of the worker nodes, worker nodes deploy pods that contain our clusters.
You can run EKS with a serverless option with managed EC2 Clusters, primarily for stateful or long-running app like a web server. Alternatively, you can run a serverless option with Fargate, this is for short-lived or stateless processes, preferably for volatile services. You can store your images in Elastic Container Registry, Artifactory, or Docker Hub.
Primary tools with Kubernetes are

eksctl & kubctl

Tools to create, delete, and get info about clusters.

What Did I Do -
I created a CodeStar Project utilizing the HTML EC2 Template. From here I set my IDE environment as cloud 9 so I could work from the browser. From here I went to CodeCommit Repositories, went into the Webpage folder, and made an adjustment to the Index.html file. From here I watched the execution push my change from the ApplicationSource in CodeCommit, to Build the new export in CodeBuild, generating and executing the change in CloudFormation to Deploying the new change in CodeDeploy.

For tomorrow -
Well since I didn't get to my hands-on with the Minecraft/Dockercraft server I mentioned yesterday due to the CodeStar app build I will have that lab tomorrow.

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