DEV Community

Discussion on: Daily Challenge #58 - Smelting Iron Ingots

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Donald Feury

Time to Go smelting!


package ingots

const (
    lavaDuration     int = 800
    blazeRodDuration int = 120
    coalDuration     int = 80
    woodDuration     int = 15

// Requirements represents the differents types of fuel and in what amounts needed to complete the smelting job
type Requirements struct {
    Lava     int
    BlazeRod int
    Coal     int
    Wood     int
    Stick    int

// Fuel determines the fuel requirements to smelt the given number of ingots
func Fuel(ingots int) Requirements {
    if ingots <= 0 {
        return Requirements{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}

    duration := ingots * 11

    return Requirements{
        Lava:     duration/lavaDuration + 1,
        BlazeRod: duration/blazeRodDuration + 1,
        Coal:     duration/coalDuration + 1,
        Wood:     duration/woodDuration + 1,
        Stick:    duration,


package ingots

import "testing"

func TestFuel(t *testing.T) {
    testCases := []struct {
        description string
        input       int
        expected    Requirements
            "a few ingots",
            Requirements{1, 1, 1, 2, 22},
            "wow that is alot of ingots",
            Requirements{7, 46, 69, 367, 5500},
            "negative amount of ingots",
            Requirements{0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
            "no ingots",
            Requirements{0, 0, 0, 0, 0},

    for _, test := range testCases {
        if result := Fuel(test.input); result != test.expected {
            t.Fatalf("FAIL: %s - Fuel(%d): %+v - expected: %+v", test.description, test.input, result, test.expected)
        t.Logf("PASS: %s", test.description)