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Realm SwiftUI Template App

I regularly spin up new Realm SwiftUI client applications to test new features and play with different proof-of-concept app ideas. I love using Realm with SwiftUI, but there's a bit of boilerplate involved in even a basic project that has a list view, a detail view, an edit view, and a create view.

To shortcut this, I've created a local-only Realm SwiftUI template app based on the Device Sync task tracker app. This iOS SwiftUI App has all of the Device Sync logic stripped from it, and persists data locally to the device using free, open-source Realm Database via the Swift SDK and some of its SwiftUI property wrappers.

Styling and models are minimal to support adapting this to any type of list-style app you might want to quickly PoC.

The GitHub repo is: - feel free to fork and use this as a quick start for your own Realm SwiftUI PoC apps. Happy building!

Item List View

Create Item View

Update Item View

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