DEV Community

Discussion on: What would you pay for type checking?

daanchuk profile image

Any ideas how we could collect such data?

nuttycom_68 profile image
Kris Nuttycombe

Ideally, since it’s of most interest to project leads and managers, they’d be the ones to collect it. I feel like the opportunity to track and share data like this ought to be an integrated feature of projects management tools.

adam_cyclones profile image
Adam Crockett πŸŒ€ • Edited

You would need to start 2 identical projects, counting time to debug and runtime programmer mistakes found in plain js, Vs total time to build, debug and programmer mistakes in something like typescript in the strictest style. The projects would need to be simple to multiply that by lines of code to get an average payoff of a forecasted project size X. Take it further by calculating employee wage over time. Unfortunately this experiment doesn't account for programmer skill and diligence.