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What I want to achieve by end of the HNG internship 8


About me

I am Ismail Hudhayfah, a student of physiology University of Ibadan Nigeria. I am also a full stack web developer.
About HNG Internship

As mentioned on their official website,

The HNG internship is a 3-month remote internship designed to find and develop the most talented software developers.Everyone is welcome to participate (there is no entrance exam). Anyone can log into the internship using their laptop. Each week, we give tasks. Those who complete them advance forward. We pay the interns weekly.The intern coders are introduced to complex programming frameworks, and get to work on real world software. The finalists are connected to the best companies in the tech ecosystem and get full time jobs and contracts immediately.


This internship will be a great opportunity for me to have real-world experience and put what I’ve learned into practice. And in order to accomplish that, I created a list of what I look forward to achieving at the end of this internship. It goes thus:

  • Connecting with other developers and designers.
  • Improve my coding skills and adopting best practices
  • Putting what I've learnt into practice
  • Build my resume
  • Improve my communication and problem solving skills

Useful Resources

I know how much problem it is for self taught developers to find the right resources out there. So I gather a list of good tutorials I hope to help you in pursuing your dream of becoming a wonderful developer.

  1. Learn how to create, share, test, and ship better designs from start to finish using figma

  2. Learn the practice of tracking and managing changes to software code using version control.

3.Learn the basics of html

4.Node.js for beginners

HNG official website

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