DEV Community

Discussion on: Do you take notes when studying a language/framework?

cyril_ogoh profile image
ogoh cyril

Yeah I do

Especially when I would be working with the firmwork later on
But it kinda not important thought πŸ’”
Cause you might just miss something or lose concentration while trying to write something down

But most times I actually don't go back to my notes πŸ˜…πŸ˜…
Cause I could Google for solutionsπŸ˜‰

But it all depends on how you read, process and find solutions

ssndude2 profile image

I suck at note keeping so bad that my notes confuse me. I do use a highlighter and maybe two or three even of the same color, ROFL I highlighted a bible so much once that I increased its weight by nearly double and I lost track of what was important. I do the same thing when I save enough money to buy a computer book that i really don't need. I generally need three pages anyway.

cyril_ogoh profile image
ogoh cyril

I know right 😩😩😩

I can relate too