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The Advanced React Compound Component Pattern


In the world of React development, the Advanced React Compound Component Pattern is a powerful concept that enables us to build parent components and their associated child components, which are designed to work seamlessly together. This pattern is a game-changer when it comes to creating highly flexible and reusable components with a truly expressive API, and it often requires little to no reliance on traditional props.

What is the Compound Component Pattern?

The Compound Component Pattern follows a simple principle: a set of components is meant to be used together within a parent component. Think of the HTML select element and its child option elements. The option elements only make sense when placed inside a select element, and they work together to create a dropdown menu. Compound components operate on the same principle, allowing us to design components that work harmoniously and provide a clean and expressive interface for developers.

Advantages of Using Compound Components

The Advanced React Compound Component Pattern offers several advantages:

  • Flexibility: By designing components that are tightly coupled, you gain flexibility in controlling the behavior of child components within the parent.

  • Reusability: Components created using this pattern are highly reusable and can be used in various parts of your application.

  • Expressive API: The API becomes expressive and intuitive, as child components are meant to be used in a specific way, reducing the need for excessive props.

Building a Counter App

To illustrate the power of the Advanced Compound Component Pattern, let's consider building a simple counter app using two different approaches: the traditional way and the advanced compound component pattern.

Traditional Approach

In the traditional approach, building a counter app might involve creating a parent component with various state management and rendering logic. Props are often used to control the behavior of the component. Below is a simplified example:

import { useState } from "react";
// Traditional Counter Component

import "./styles.css";
function Counter({ iconIncrease, iconDecrease, label }) {
    const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
    const increase = () => setCount((c) => c + 1);
    const decrease = () => setCount((c) => c - 1);
    return (
        <div style={{ display: "flex", gap: "10px", fontSize: "20px"}}>
            <button onClick={decrease}>{iconDecrease}</button>
            <button onClick={increase}>{iconIncrease}</button>
export default function App() {
    return (
            <h1>Compound Component Pattern</h1>
                label="My NOT so flexible counter"

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While this approach works, it can become less manageable as the complexity of your component grows.

Advanced Compound Component Pattern

Now, let's explore the power of the Advanced React Compound Component Pattern using the context API by building the same counter app:

By utilizing the Compound Component Pattern, we've separated the display and behavior concerns into child components while maintaining a clean and expressive API.


The Advanced React Compound Component Pattern is a transformative approach for creating highly flexible and reusable components in React mostly. Its advantages include flexibility, reusability, and an expressive API. By harnessing this pattern, you can build components that work seamlessly together, enabling you to create cleaner, more maintainable code for your applications.

I hope this post helps you get more advanced in your React journey

Kindly comment if you've got some more advanced react patterns you'd like to share.

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Linkedin - Moses Agbe

Twitter - Cybermaxi7

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