DEV Community

Raunak Tamang
Raunak Tamang

Posted on • Edited on

automate WhatsApp messages using Python

Project Title
Automate WhatsApp for sending messages to any particular person or group in WhatsApp.

Getting Started
It's not totally automated as the QR scan should be scanned manually. Everything is working fine with code as you soon run the code chrome will pop up and open WhatsApp web and scan the QR code from your phone. then type the contact name in the console box and the message you want to send and the number of times you wanna send.

Selenium Library

Chrome driver


install selenium

python3 -m pip install selenium

Download and install chromedriver

download chrome driver here
code :

import web driver from selenium

from selenium import webdriver

creating an obect to open chrome and set the path inside () of chrome driver

driver = webdriver.Chrome('/Users/rauna/Downloads/chromedriver')

passing the WhatsApp url


getting data from user

name = input('enter the name of user')
msg = input('enter your message')
count = int(input("enter the count"))
input('enter after scanning QR code')

saving the defined contact name from your WhatsApp chat in user variable

user = driver.find_element_by_xpath('//span[@title = "{}"]'.format(name))

name of span class of contatct

msg_box = driver.find_element_by_class_name('_13mgZ')

for i in range(count):
button = driver.find_element_by_class_name('_3M-N-')

snippet from above code:
user = driver.find_element_by_xpath('//span[@title = "{}"]'.format(name))

you can see why [@title = "{}"] because user providing the name of the contact person you wanna send the message screenshot
Alt Text

msg_box = driver.find_element_by_class_name('_13mgZ')

('_13mgZ') is the class name of typing box you can see the image below

Alt Text

button = driver.find_element_by_class_name('_3M-N-')

('_3M-N-') is the class name of send button as you can see in image below

Alt Text

Output :
Alt Text

Alt Text

check out GitHub for a better understanding link is here:

python #selenium #automation #WhatsApp

Top comments (10)

muhimen123 profile image

This thing bothers me a lot too. I have good news and bad news for you.

The good news is, twillo has an API for WhatsApp.

The bad news is, you need to pay for this service.

So, I didn't bother messing around with the API. 😓

cyberhoax profile image
Raunak Tamang

I can feel that bro!

cyberhoax profile image
Raunak Tamang

yeah i recently post a blog with twilio too it would pleasure if you can look into it :)
here's the link

maxsanwal profile image
Seemant Singh have tried to create a chatbot .. check it out if you're interested

cyberhoax profile image
Raunak Tamang

sure i will :)

nayanagith_2023_3caf61fac profile image
Nayanagith 2023 • Edited

12000+Whatsapp group links 2024 | Join, share, submit
Finding WhatsApp group links are now easy, You can find different group links here like school, travel, job and entertainment group links, etc.
click hera

cyberhoax profile image
Raunak Tamang

now the official WhatsApp Business API is avaiable.

luiz0x29a profile image
Real AI

still pricey as hell and too much bureaucratic

Thread Thread
cyberhoax profile image
Raunak Tamang

Couldn't agree more 😅

cyberhoax profile image
Raunak Tamang

totally agree !