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Introducing Teamwork and Unit Testing Project#1

Week 4 began with forming teams and kicking off our first team project. Our team, TypeScript, consists of 9 members; however, despite it being the 4th week of class, one person still hasn't responded to us. So, it looks like we'll end up with a Fantastic 8—which, honestly, might just be our new team name.

This first project is all about Unit Testing and breaking the ice in terms of teamwork. Our initial meeting was held over Zoom, where we discussed:

  • Team Roles and selecting a team lead for Project #1.
  • Choosing the methods that each of us would use for Unit Testing (still in progress).
  • Discussing the tools and communication platforms that will help us move forward (Microsoft Teams, Google Docs, Excel Sheets, OneNote Class Notebook).
  • Planning future work.

One of the challenges during our first meeting was defining and splitting roles between each member. Since the roles weren’t clearly defined, we tried a trick: we prompted the project requirements and the number of team members into an AI assistant, which helped us brainstorm some ideas. This helped a lot! Another thing is, as usual in team projects, people tend to stay away from extra responsibilities—so, naturally, nobody wanted to be the team lead. I decided to be proactive and took up the responsibility of team lead. This isn’t new to me; I manage my team at work daily, so I’m confident about keeping this project on the right track.

After the meeting, one of the team members created the repository, allowing each of us to clone it to our local machines. I then created a branch for each team member and set restrictions on pull requests. Setting up these restrictions involved creating a CODEOWNERS file at the root of our project, listing the people authorized to approve any pull requests to the main branch. This should help us avoid unnecessary problems down the line. Moreover, I also created a .gitignore file to ensure that unnecessary files and directories are excluded from our project.

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This was the first part of Project #1. My main concern is working with people! Everyone has their own responsibilities, personal life, work/school obligations, and life outside of this project—which is completely normal. My part in all of this is to keep us together and stay on track towards our main goal.

I think I covered most of what happened during the first week of Project #1.

I'll keep you posted.

Your CyberFriend!

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