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John Doe
John Doe

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How to Set OpenAI API Key as an Environment Variable?

OpenAI API keys are like any other API keys. They are unique identifiers that grant access to specific services or resources, and those that belong to OpenAI, provide users with permission to utilize OpenAI’s API. They grant developers access to powerful language models and tools for natural language processing tasks.

OpenAI Website

As developers, we would like to streamline development as much as we can. One step that many developers like to apprehend is setting API keys as environment variables. This provides a flexible and secure way for developers to store configuration settings outside of working code, making it manageable and reusable in the long run.

Do note that implementing API keys will require an API development platform or tool. If you do not have one, strongly consider trying Apidog. Personally, I found Apidogto include all the necessary tools for the entire API lifecycle, so I did not require additional applications for API development.

There are a couple of reasons why you should set your OpenAI API key as an environment variable. You can:

Centralize configuration: Store the API key in a single location, making it easier to manage and update.

Improve security: Prevent hardcoding the API key directly in your application code, reducing the risk of accidental exposure.

Simplify deployment: Easily deploy your application to different environments (e.g., development, production) without modifying the code.

Enhance flexibility: Easily change the API key without redeploying your application.

Before explaining how you can obtain an OpenAI API key, let us first refresh our knowledge of environment variables.

What are Environment Variables?

Environment variables are dynamic variables that can be accessed by applications running on a system. They are typically set at the operating system level and can be used to store configuration settings, paths to files, or other information that needs to be accessible by multiple applications.

Key characteristics of environment variables:

Dynamic: Their values can be changed at runtime, allowing for flexibility in configuration.

System-wide: They are accessible to all applications running on the system.

Name-value pairs: Each environment variable has a unique name and a corresponding value.

Hierarchical: Environment variables can be inherited by child processes, creating a hierarchical structure.

Benefits of using environment variables

Centralized configuration: Store configuration settings in a single location, making it easier to manage and update.

Improved security: Avoid hardcoding sensitive information (like API keys) directly in your application code.

Simplified deployment: Easily deploy applications to different environments without modifying the code.

Enhanced flexibility: Change configuration settings without needing to redeploy the application.

Examples of common environment variables

PATH: Specifies the directories to search for executable files.

HOME: Specifies the user's home directory.

USER: Specifies the current user's name.

*`TEMP:`* Specifies a temporary directory for storing temporary files.

By understanding the concept of environment variables, you can effectively use them to manage configuration settings and improve the flexibility and security of your applications.

Obtaining Your OpenAI API Key

To access OpenAI’s powerful language models and tools, you’ll need an API key. This key acts as your personal identifier, granting you access to the API and allowing you to make requests.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to obtain your OpenAI API key:

Create an OpenAI Account:

OpenAI Login Page

Visit the OpenAI website ( and sign up for a free account.

Verify Your Email:

OpenAI will send a verification email to the address you provided. Make sure to click on the verification link in the email to activate your account.

Navigate to API Keys:

Log in to your OpenAI account and start looking for the “API keys” section in your account settings or dashboard.

Create a New API Key:

Click on the “Create new API key” button to generate A new API key for you.

Copy and Store Your API Key:

Carefully copy the generated API key and store it in a secure location. Do not share your API key with anyone. It’s crucial to keep it confidential to prevent unauthorized access to your account.
With access to the OpenAI API key, make sure that you always consider:

Security: Always treat your API key as sensitive information. Avoid sharing it publicly or with anyone you don’t trust.

Rate Limits: OpenAI imposes rate limits on API usage. Be mindful of the limits and adjust your usage accordingly.

Usage: Use your API key responsibly and ethically. Avoid using it for harmful or malicious purposes.

There are a couple of operating systems that you can use OpenAI APIs on, such as Windows, macOS, and Linux, so we shall see how you can set up the OpenAI API key as an environment variable.

For Windows

Open Command Prompt or PowerShell:

Right-click on the Start menu and select “Command Prompt” or “Windows PowerShell.”

Use the setx Command:

Execute the following command, replacing "your_api_key_here" with your actual API key:

setx OPENAI_API_KEY "your_api_key_here"
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This command creates a permanent environment variable named OPENAI_API_KEY with the specified value.

Restart Your Terminal:

Close and reopen your command prompt or PowerShell window for the changes to take effect.

For macOS / Linux:

Open Terminal:

Locate and open the Terminal application.

Edit Your Shell Configuration File:

Edit your shell’s configuration file (e.g., .bashrc, .zshrc). The exact file depends on your shell (Bash, Zsh, etc.).

You can usually open this file using a text editor like nano or vim:

nano .bashrc
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Add the Environment Variable:

Add the following line to the file, replacing "your_api_key_here" with your API key:

export OPENAI_API_KEY="your_api_key_here"
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Save the File and Restart your Terminal

Once you have saved the changes made to the file, close the file and restart your terminal for the changes to take effect.

Verifying Environment Variable

To ensure that the environment variable has been set correctly, you can execute the following command in your terminal.

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

If the correct API key is displayed, the environment variable has been set successfully.

Example of Using the Environment Variable in Your Application

Once you’ve set the OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable, you can easily access it from within your Python application. This eliminates the need to hardcode the API key directly into your code, making it more secure and maintainable.

Importing the os Module
To access environment variables in Python, you’ll need to import the os module. This module provides various functions for interacting with the operating system.

import os
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Retrieving the API Key
Use the os.getenv() function to retrieve the value of the OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable. This function takes the environment variable name as an argument and returns its value or None if the variable is not set.

openai.api_key = os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY")
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In this example, we’re assuming you’re using the openai Python library to interact with the OpenAI API. The openai.api_key attribute is used to set the API key for subsequent requests.

Handling Missing Environment Variables

If the environment variable is not set, os.getenv() will return None. It's good practice to check for this and handle the situation appropriately. For example, you might display an error message or exit the application.

api_key = os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY")
if not api_key:
    print("OpenAI API key not found. Please set the OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable.")
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Using the API Key

With the API key set, you can now make requests to the OpenAI API. For example, to use the Completion API to generate text, you can do something like this:

response = openai.Completion.create(
    prompt="Write a poem about a robot who wants to be human.",
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

By using the environment variable, you’ve decoupled your application from the specific API key, making it more flexible and easier to manage.

Best Practices and Considerations When Dealing with OpenAI API Keys as Environment Variables

Generally, there are a few aspects that developers should be cautious of when working around API keys as environment variables.


  • Never share your API key publicly. It’s crucial to keep your API key confidential to prevent unauthorized access.

  • Avoid hardcoding the API key directly in your application code. Using environment variables helps protect your API key from accidental exposure.

  • Consider using secrets management tools like HashiCorp Vault or AWS Secrets Manager to store and manage your API key securely.

Environment-Specific Settings

If you need to use different API keys for different environments (e.g., development, production), consider using environment-specific configuration files or tools like Docker secrets. This allows you to manage and deploy your application without exposing sensitive information.

Version Control

  • Avoid committing your API key to version control systems like Git. This prevents accidental exposure of your API key to others.

  • Use environment variables to manage sensitive information and avoid committing them to version control.

Alternative Methods

While environment variables are a common approach, there are other methods for storing and managing API keys:

  • Configuration files: Store the API key in a configuration file (e.g., .env) and load it into your application.

  • Secrets management tools: Use specialized tools to securely store and manage secrets like API keys.


By setting your OpenAI API key as an environment variable, you can effectively manage and use the key in your Python applications. This approach offers several benefits, including:

  • Improved security: Prevents accidental exposure of your API key.

  • Centralized configuration: Stores the key in a single location, making it easier to manage.

  • Simplified deployment: Allows for easy deployment to different environments without modifying the code.

  • Enhanced flexibility: This enables you to change the API key without redeploying your application.

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lynn_mikami_e94e5b9ad7daf profile image

Cool Stuff!