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Run Cypress automation test with chrome-based browser - Cypress part 2

Dear guys and gals, I'm back with another tutorial for cypress.
You can checkout my previous post about cypress from cypress part 1

We already know how to do cypress automation test with Chrome, but there are also other browsers, such as browser developed based in chromium.

So how do we do the test with such?

It took me quite a while to investigate how to do that.

You can checkout in details from this page

But in short, you need to do the below things.

1.Put your chrome-based browser into the specific folder (if you're in window)

The folder for cypress can recognize for chromium-based browser will be in : C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\chrome-win32

In that folder, you need to have a chrome.exe file (the executable file of your chromium based browser)

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2.Open cypress from command line:

cypress open --browser chromium

And run your test with chrome-based browser

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That's it.

Happy coding~~

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