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Discussion on: Why I Stopped Interviewing with Companies That Require a Coding Test

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Coding tests are unfortunately necessary. There are plenty of people out there who can't code their way out of a wet paper bag but have impressive looking resumes. Search for "The Brillant Paula Bean."

That said, the best coding tests are those that reflect the sort of work that will be accomplished on the job itself. The existing developers at the company should take a specific but relatively simple task that they themselves have done on several occasions (e.g. a data processing exercise), remove business-specific information from the task, and then have potential candidates submit code examples. Record how long it took each candidate to submit their solution to the problem - shortest time is not necessarily the best candidate. Since it is a company-specific exercise and pretty easily changed, it is unlikely to have a ready-made solution when searching on SO.

Companies should also have an alternative to the coding test: The GitHub account. If someone has 10 or more relatively high-quality projects on GitHub that they created and actively maintain themselves and can provide in-depth details about the structure of each project, that is more than enough information about them as a developer and they should be able to bypass the coding test altogether. It's still a good idea to take the test as a mere formality just to prove their capabilities to the other side. But both sides can roll their eyes over the necessity of the test.

Another great alternative to the coding test is having the interviewee describe how they would go about solving a specific business problem. Most software development isn't the actual writing of code, which is important, but rather interfacing with other humans to gather requirements and work through whether some requirement needs to be rigidly coded into the software OR can simply be a policy and therefore the software can be a bit more flexible to accommodate a wider variety of unforeseen use-cases. I prefer software that is minimally invasive (i.e. few enforcements) and just relies on people to use their good judgement and only occasionally apply policies as the need arises. People tend to enjoy using less restrictive software that does that.