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Make Github Copilot Work in Wsl With Zscaler

TLDR: replace every occurence of rejectUnauthorized: x to rejectUnauthorized: false in ~/.vscode-server/extensions/github.copilot-xxx/dist/extension.js and restart vscode

There is an ongoing issue with copilot in vscode in that it doesn't pick up the system chain of certificates and instead uses a hardcoded list of certificates. This causes problems with zscaler and similar man in the middle apps that causes it to fail to activate because it doesn't trust the certificate and gives the error Extension activation failed: "unable to get local issuer certificate".

There are several ways to fix this proposed on the internet:

  • use win-ca or mac-ca vscode extension to make available the additional certificates
  • add zscaler self-signed certificate in Chrome by going to chrome://settings/privacy more
  • run code --ignore-certificate-errors

The only way that worked for me though and unfortunately the most hacky is to change in the extension bundle rejectUnauthorized to false

  • open ~/.vscode-server/extensions/github.copilot-xxx/dist/extension.js
  • search every occurrence of rejectUnauthorized:[a-z] regex find and change to rejectUnauthorized: false
  • Important!! In some cases rejectUnauthorized will be as part of an destructured object. For example when having
const {
  h1: r,
  options: { h1: i, rejectUnauthorized: s },
} = e;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

change it to

const {
  h1: r,
  options: { h1: i, rejectUnauthorized: s },
} = { ...e, options: { ...e.options, rejectUnauthorized: false } };
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
  • restart vscode

Based on and

Top comments (1)

felix313 profile image

this worked for me - thank you!