DEV Community

What's your bio? One paragraph describing your personal/professional life

christine on October 01, 2018

I'm supposed to come up with a bio for a conference, and I wanted to get a gage on what the communities bios are like. Looking for thoughts and ...
rdumais profile image

Oddly enough, I had to write a bio for a conference this morning as well. I decided to keep it short and simple.

I took the third person approach along the lines of:

{Name} is from {City, State} where he/she works as an {Title} at {Company}. He/She has {#} years of experience with {Technology Name} with a focus on {Technology Focus}. In his/her spare time, {Name} enjoys {Personal Interest #1} and {Personal Interest #2}.

cseeman profile image

And here is what I came up with using your format:

Christine is from Omaha, Nebraska where she works as a full stack Ruby on Rails engineer at Flywheel, WordPress hosting for creatives. She has 12 years experience as a Java software engineer with a focus on APIs and micro-services and took the plunge into Ruby just this May. In her spare time she is an avid long form reader, lover of all true-crime podcasts and is attempting to work through the primary Ashtanga yoga series.

Thanks so much @rdumais

cseeman profile image

Thanks so much for the template! Sounds great and it hits all points I would think you would want to write about.

harshdeepsinghchauhan profile image
HarshdeepSinghChauhan • Edited

I think this template is fantastic. I love being able to convey relevant info in as short of a paragraph as I can. The thing is, it is saying the summary is too long. Maybe I need to shorten my name or the world limit has decreased for the same...

aspittel profile image
Ali Spittel • Edited

Here's my speaking bio:

Ali teaches people how to code at General Assembly. Before that, she was a software engineer working on data science web apps. She loves Python, JavaScript, and talking about code. She is most interested in the intersection of code, art, and social justice.

When Ali's not working, you can find her watching New England sports, competing on CodeWars, taking runs around Capitol Hill, rock climbing, or participating in DC coding community events.

Ali's current personal project is a blog called "The Zen of Programming" where she learns talks about code and her life surrounding it.

obasekietinosa profile image
Etinosa Obaseki

Had to write a bio today and this post was super helpful! Thank you for putting it up and to everyone for sharing their bios and tips!

dan_starner profile image
Daniel Starner

I like to keep it professional, while also including some big hobbies of mine, usually something along the lines of:

Dan is a curious person who enjoys figuring out the building blocks of the world, and rearranging them to build something even better. My career is developing software, but my life is adventuring. Currently he is building infrastructure at Bloomberg, and is volunteering in his free time.

thallesaraujo profile image
Thalles Henrique

On my site, I use a more personal approach: ("Hello! welcome to my homepage! I'm a web developer and ...."). On social media, LinkedIn and GitHub I'm more "direct": "Student of Systems Analysis and Development. Full-stack developer. Technophile (Android Enthusiast). Tattler on free time"

xanderyzwich profile image
Corey McCarty

I'd say that if you are delivering the bio or it has your image next to it then I'd go with first person. That's just my thoughts though. If this is going to be listed among others then I'd ask whoever is collecting them what is preferred for uniformity.

ignoreintuition profile image
Brian Greig

Always trying (not necessarily succeeding) to do the right thing. Often overextending myself. Preferring to be in the background but always subjecting myself to the spotlight. Dad, husband, developer, boardgame geek.

pavlosisaris profile image
Paul Isaris

A good thing that occurs when someone asks me to write a bio, is that I start quesioning my life, career and hobbies.

I mean the "good" kind of questioning, that alsmost always leads to thinking about my goals and accompishments for a while.
Aaand of course then I have a hard time writing it...

osamad profile image

<<< Here is mine fellas ^^ >>>

Front end developer & Designer {" "} from morocco, been working as a freelancer for years with a straight focus on the web universe. Excited for the upcoming opportunities.

<<>> or Maybe it matters who knows :)

aousaja profile image

this bio helps me a lot, thank you so much.

cseeman profile image

I do love a good emoticon, yours works great. I was waffling if I should keep it shorter.

bgadrian profile image
Adrian B.G.

I think you can spend hours of reading other pll bios, there are hundreds of events and thousands of similar linkedin profiles.

I wish you good luck!

tux0r profile image

I screwed up.