My Experience With Ralis
For my third project I choose to make a Real Estate web page. One of the features I wanted to include was the ability to upload pictures . This was a big learning experience, I have a new respect for uploading images.
Getting Started
Once I knew I wanted to upload images I stated to look around for different ways to do so. I came across a gem named shrine which can be found here
. This is were the hard part came in. Aside from installing the gem like normal, there was a second step that needed to be done to allow images to be rendered. I needed to install
ImageMagick onto my system. After this I was able to add images.
Using Shrine
There was a slight learning curve to using this gem. There are pages upon pages of doucments on different ways to use this gem. To get started I follwed these steps : "Add Shrine to the Gemfile and write an initializer which sets up the storage and loads integration for your persistence library:"
require "shrine"
require "shrine/storage/file_system"
Shrine.storages = {
cache:"public", prefix: "uploads/cache"), # temporary
store:"public", prefix: "uploads"), # permanent
Shrine.plugin :sequel # or :activerecord
Shrine.plugin :cached_attachment_data # for retaining the cached file across form redisplays
Shrine.plugin :restore_cached_data # re-extract metadata when attaching a cached file
Shrine.plugin :rack_file # for non-Rails apps
$ rails generate migration add_image_data_to_photos image_data:text
Now you want to make an uploader class like such
class Photo < ActiveRecord::Base
include ImageUploader::Attachment(:image) # adds an `image` virtual attribute
For the form you need
form_for @photo do |f|
f.hidden_field :image, value: @photo.cached_image_data
f.file_field :image
And in your controller you want to require photo and permit image
class PhotosController < ApplicationController
def create
def photo_params
After following these steps you should have a working image uploader. You can check out my project here. Github
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