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Getting into Web3 with #100DaysOfWeb3

Hey, fren. gm! ☀️

Are you someone who is sitting on the edge of the Web3 rabbit hole, going through roadmap videos one after another, but just can not get started?

I remember myself being in the same spot, wasting weeks picking resources & doing nothing.

Analysis Paralysis

The never-ending loop of Analysis Paralysis | Credit: Uttam Singh

Well, good news! You don't have to pick a perfect roadmap. You just have to take the leap of faith & start.

How to get into Web3?

Before getting into Web3, you have to figure out two things:

1️⃣ Your "why". Why do you want to get into Web3?
Figure out what is your intrinsic motivation behind it. Is it to make money, is it the overall Web3 vibe you're attracted to, is it about flexibility, is it about building the decentralized future, or is it all of it?

For me, it's more about the vibe and following my intellectual curiosity.

I remember learning about Dogecoin when Elon started tweeting about it last year, passively investing small amounts I made from my SMMA work.

This year I thought if I'm gonna invest any more of my money, I might as well learn the technology behind cryptocurrencies & blockchain.

While researching good projects, I have always loved this infectious energy of the Web3 nerds. It got me excited.

2️⃣ Your Edge. What are you good at?
Luckily, Web3 isn't all about programming. It may seem at first, but it's much more than that.

So if you're not a programmer, don't sweat. There are plenty of things you can do.

One thing I've learned in the past year or so is to bet on your strengths. Do what you do best, and do it better than anyone else.

You can be a content creator, technical writer, researcher, community manager, designer, or marketer and still make it into Web3.

Similarly, you don't have to be a 16-year-old prodigy. The best thing about the Web3 space is how open and encouraging it is for people coming from different domains.

Don't be afraid to choose the road less traveled. Web3 needs diverse talent. Pick what you're innately good at and execute.

I realized I don't have to be a smart contract developer to be a part of the Web3 space. I'm really good at following my intellectual curiosity, learning new things, and simplifying them for others.

I don't have to be a coding genius who develops the next ground-breaking blockchain protocol. Sure, I'd like to be, but not immediately. For now, I'm happy to learn new things and teach others through my blog.

How to start?

From today (September 11), there are exactly 112 days remaining in 2022. And I want you to make every single one of them count.

For the next 100 days, take the #100DaysOfWeb3 challenge.

Ready to start? Let's go!

For the next 100 days, here's what I want you to do:

1- Pick a resource, just one! It could be freeCodeCamp's Solidity course, LearnWeb3 DAO, or Alchemy's RoadToWeb3.

If you try to catch two rabbits, you'll not catch either one. So, don't pick too many resources to start with. Just pick one and start.

✨ Here are 5 cool resources you can choose from. ✨

2- Go through it inside out, from start to finish.

3- Make a habit of devouring content. Go through external links provided in the course, be it blog posts, youtube tutorials, or keynote presentations. Just pick a topic and consume a lot of content about it.

4- Teach what you've learned - The Feynman Technique. Start a blog on Medium or Hashnode, or start a newsletter. Publish articles on new topics you learn. The best way to learn anything is to teach it to others. If you can't explain it to others, you don't understand it yourself.

5- Learn in public. You don't need 100 followers to learn in public. You can start with 0 and build your audience as you go.

6- It's tough to learn, so give it back to the community. Help & motivate others who are on the same journey as you.

Ready to start? 🛣

It's a long journey ahead. Want to make it easier?

Don't go all alone - find a partner. When you're starting, sometimes it gets lonely especially when you think you're not making enough progress.

Join a community, find people who are on the same journey as you, make an accountability buddy, and be accountable for each other's progress.

I'm 20 days into the challenge, but I want to start over. Starting tomorrow, I'm officially restarting my #100DaysOfWeb3 challenge from scratch.

Tweet at me @cryptoshuriken (yeah, now!) and I'll keep you accountable for the next 100 days.

Recommended Resources:

Hey, fren, that's it for now! Thank you for reading till the end.

Let me know why you want to work in Web3 in the comments below.

Also, please consider subscribing here so that you get a notification in your mail whenever I post new stuff. Subscribing is free, and it gives me a ton of motivation to keep going.



Originally published on my blog.

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