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Crypto Gig
Crypto Gig

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How to build a NFT presale and staking dapp in open network?

I have recently developed a nft presale and staking dapp in open network and it was a really thrilling challenge for me! I was new to open network and especially to FunC language. Nobody knows that and I cannot search for documents needed and no source code.
I have developed dozens of dapps like that in EVM and Solana and I had some experience in it but that was still no easy job.

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I started with building presale smart contract with FunC. I first studied the FunC language and smart contract samples in open network documentation.

I have gotten to know that all data in open network is stored in cells and the cells can have 1023 bits and 4 references. After that, I started building smart contract with blueprint framework.

npm install ton@latest

I have built smart contract and compiled and wrap class for that. After that I tested with my test script and deployed with script.
After that, I have built presale website with React vite framework with following command

yarn create vite

And I have installed necessary packages like @tonconnect/ui-react and built interaction part with wallet.
Finally when I sent a transaction with wallet confirmation, I was in the great mood that I cannot express my impression at that time.

I think it is a really fun to develop a dapp in open network and really impressive experience.

I attached the link here

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