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Crazy Codigo
Crazy Codigo

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How We Made Our First Web-Dev Project

By Jayanti Goswami

Crazy Codigo has been putting out a lot of technical content lately. So, I thought I would use my slot to give you guys a sweet little break and tell you about how we are still quite stupid / awesome :)

Since we miraculously got into a college last year, Annesha and I have made friends (surprised? me too): Sam and Shiv. They've been working on Crazy Codigo too and coding with us.

So, when we started thinking about web dev, Shiv took the lead.

From HTML to CSS to JS - the man covered more videos in a day than Barney had in his porn stash.

So, we did what we do while learning anything new:

Our First Web Dev Project
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The idea

The first step to working on any project is finding a project. Now, this was not too much of a struggle for us.

We had a lot of options:

  1. Re-create the Crazy Codigo website (put it on the back burner for now)
  2. Make a business website for some relatives (hmmmmm....)
  3. Create a gaming website for our friend Delight

So, obviously, we went with the third one. Always nicer to make something fun as a first project.

The plan

Ah, yes. My vision for Delight's website was simple. In fact, it can be summed up in one sentence:

It has to be poggers
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That is it. That was all I wanted.


But Shiv said he needed a bit more direction than that. So, then we had to sit down and actually plan it.

Shiv wanted to put everything he had seen and learnt into the website. I wanted something that looked intricate and yet, simple. So, we kept ricocheting between "We can do more" and "We're doing too much."

After a lot of bickering, we settled on a plan:

  • The website will have 4 sections
  • It will be graphics and visual based
  • The content will be minimal and we'll put in our favorite effects: A rotating cube, Parallaxes, Glossy cards, and Circles!

And so began, the making of

The code

The code was a struggle thanks to our one terrible habit: procrastination. We were still only two coders with a passion for procrastination. Only this time it was Shiv and me in the depths of it.

So, we took a month to complete a code that should not have taken longer than a week. But that's okay. We did make a poggers website :)
Git code

If you are curious, you can take a look at the code on our GitHub.

The technical debt

We took a lot of technical debt with this project. The code is far from complete.

Some places for improvement include:

  • The website is not responsive. Do NOT view it on your phone. The view may be fatal.
  • As devs, we knew what we were up to. As content writers, not so much. So, the links page is um... interesting.

Some aspects of the website are still under development so no judgement. But, it still looks pretty good and Delight seemed happy.

The deployment

After a lot of sweat and tears (thankfully no blood), we presented the website to Delight on his birthday. Or at least what I thought was his birthday. We don't talk about that bit.

He was kind of pleased with how it had turned out and wanted to host it on his domain right away.
So, we used GitHub pages to deploy it. If you want to learn how to do that, you can take a look at Shiv's latest blog. And that is the story of how our first web dev project got went live.

Wrapping up

This blog just documents our first web dev experience. If you have interesting ideas that you want to collaborate on, you can reach out to us on any of our socials.

That's all for this one. Cya!

~ J

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