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Discussion on: Daily Challenge #22 - Simple Pig Latin

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Corey Alexander

Rust Solution!

I paid specific attention to the punctuation rule, and made sure to get that right!

I also wasn't satisfied with just the example punctuation because nobody spaces out their punctuation like that ! See doesn't that look weird ?
Also the spec doesn't mention at all with how to treat words with punctuation IN them! So I made my own spec here and decided to split the words on any punctuation, and treat each side as it own word. Proper pig latin? Maybe not! But it's doing what I intended!

fn pigify_word(word: &str) -> String {
    println!("{}", word);
    if word.chars().all(|x| x.is_alphanumeric()) {
        let mut chars = word.chars();
        let first_letter =;
        let rest_of_letters: String = chars.collect();

        format!("{}{}ay", rest_of_letters, first_letter)
    } else if word.chars().all(|x| !x.is_alphanumeric()) {
    } else {
        let symbol_index = word.find(|c: char| !c.is_alphanumeric()).unwrap();
        let alphanumeric_index = word.find(|c: char| c.is_alphanumeric()).unwrap();

        let index = symbol_index.max(alphanumeric_index);

        [word[0..index].to_string(), word[index..].to_string()]
            .map(|x| pigify_word(x))

pub fn pig_it(english_input: &str) -> String {
        .split(" ")
        .join(" ")

mod tests {
    use crate::*;

    fn it_works_without_punctuation() {
            pig_it("Pig latin is cool"),
            "igPay atinlay siay oolcay".to_string()

    fn it_works_with_spaced_out_punctuation() {
        assert_eq!(pig_it("Hello world !"), "elloHay orldway !".to_string());

    fn it_works_with_word_ending_punctuation() {
            pig_it("Hello world! How is it going today?"),
            "elloHay orldway! owHay siay tiay oinggay odaytay?".to_string()

    fn it_works_with_word_mid_punctuation() {
            pig_it("Hello world! How's it going today?"),
            "elloHay orldway! owHay'say tiay oinggay odaytay?".to_string()