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Discussion on: Daily Challenge #16 - Number of People on the Bus

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Corey Alexander

Rust Solution

This also checks to make sure that more people don't get off the stop than were on + got on that stop. This assumes no passengers were on the bus initially.

pub fn riders_left(bus_stops: &[(u32, u32)]) -> Result<u32, &str> {
    bus_stops.iter().fold(Ok(0), |sum, (on, off)| {
        let new_sum = sum? + on;

        if off > &new_sum {
            Err("Somehow more people left the bus than got on")
        } else {
            Ok(new_sum - off)

mod tests {
    use crate::*;

    fn it_returns_zero_for_an_empty_array() {
        assert_eq!(riders_left(&[]), Ok(0))

    fn it_for_a_semi_complicated_array_example() {
        assert_eq!(riders_left(&[(10, 0), (5, 9), (6, 6), (2, 6)]), Ok(2));

    fn it_for_a_semi_complicated_vec_example() {
        assert_eq!(riders_left(&vec![(10, 0), (5, 9), (6, 6), (2, 6)]), Ok(2));

    fn it_for_a_broken_example() {
            riders_left(&vec![(10, 0), (5, 9), (6, 6), (2, 12)]),
            Err("Somehow more people left the bus than got on")