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Discussion on: Vim in modernity - why and why not

coreyja profile image
Corey Alexander

Good post, and welcome to the world of vim!

I think it's interesting you found Runymines go to definition stuff a bit lacking for Ruby, since I think they do a better job than most other tools with Ruby. And actually this was one of the only things I missed from Rubymine when I switched to vim.
I've got it all setup now with ctags and the like, but I still feel like I'm a but behind what Rubymine was providing.

Do you have kind of jump to definition setup in Vim, or are you enjoying the minimalist approach of not having it?

arturmartsinkovskyi profile image
Artur Martsinkovskyi

'tpope/vim-rails' works well for me as far as I place folders by convention. My impression from Rubymine may be somehow outdated because I was working with it in 2017 and last two years passed in Vim and Spacemacs, so I might have missed vital improvements.