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Anant Rungta
Anant Rungta

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Github Arctic Code Vault Contributor 2020

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GitHub logo coolanant / Data_Structures_Crash_Course

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1. Basics 1. Factorial
2. Counting
3. Counting in Reverse Order
4. Fibonnaci
5. Power
6. Fast Power
7. Multiply
8. Multiply (with negative)
2. Easy Questions 1. IsArraySorted
2. 2048 Problem
3. Search, Search-last, SearchAll
4. String to Int
5. binary Search
6. Replace Pi
3. Good Questions 1. Tower of Hanoi
2. Find All Subsequence
3. Generate Brackets
4. 0/1 Knapsack (DP)
5. Phone Keypad
6. Number to All Characters
4. Board Game 1. Board Game
2. Board Game(starting with 1,6)
3. Board Game(with ladders)
5. Maze 1. Mazepath
2. Mazepath(Queen Like Moves)
3. Mazepath(with obstacles)
6. Queen Problem 1. NQueen
2. NKnight
7. PnC 1. Permuatation
2. Combination
8. Sudoku 1. Sudoku Solve
2. Sudoku Checker
  1. Fibonnaci
  2. Min Step To One
  3. Min Coin Change
  4. Max Wine Price
  5. Count Board Path
  6. Max Matrix Od 1
  7. Max Gold Mine
  8. Palindromic SubString Count
  9. Rod Cutting

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Top comments (2)

jakefernandez profile image

Holy moly
So valuable content, acc to me, Checkout guyz

midasxiv profile image

Took me 15 minutes of my life to find out but xD
Dude ... why do you use a fake account to comment on all your POSTs ?