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Secret Key Cryptography

Hi. I have just finished writing my first "real" book (that is, not counting my 5 books of Sudoku puzzles and SumSum puzzles.) The title is, you guessed it, "Secret Key Cryptography," and that is exactly what it's about.
If anyone is into writing cryptography primitives, this book is loaded with ideas, 140 different types of ciphers in all, at every level of security, including a practical method for achieving the One-Time Pad. A big feature of the book is a novel method to accurately measure the security of a block cipher.
The book is aimed at professional engineers, however I have made a great effort to make the book readable for non-technical people. You won't find a single footnote, or theorem or proof. You won't find integrals, summations, Venn diagrams, transforms or circuits. There isn't a single line of code. In short, there is nothing that would keep a smart high school student from learning cryptography.
Let me say a bit about what else is in there, besides cryptography. There is a lot about text compression. Anyone who has worked in this field knows that arithmetic coding beats discrete codes, such as Huffman codes, and that adaptive coding like Lempel-Ziv-Welch beats fixed codes. So far as I know, my book has the first algorithm that combines arithmetic coding with adaptive coding to produce a compression that beats LZW, while having essentially the same speed and storage requirements.
A portion of the book is already available through the Manning Early Access Program at There is a discount code mlrubin that gets you 50% off all versions of the book until Jan. 11.

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