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Cong Li
Cong Li

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Introduction to Arithmetic Operators in GBase 8a MPP Cluster

GBase 8a MPP Cluster supports common arithmetic operators. There are two points to note when using them:

  • If both parameters are integers, the -, +, and * operations are performed with BIGINT (64-bit) precision, and the result is returned.
  • If one parameter is an unsigned integer and the other is an integer, the result will be an unsigned integer.

1. Addition (+)

Example: Both operands are integers.

gbase> SELECT 3+5 FROM dual;
| 3+5 |
|   8 |
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2. Subtraction (-)

Example: Both operands are integers.

gbase> SELECT 3-5 FROM dual;
| 3-5 |
|  -2 |
1 row in set
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3. Unary Minus

Description: Changes the sign of the parameter.

Example: The operand is an integer.

gbase> SELECT - 2 FROM dual;
| - 2 |
|  -2 |
1 row in set
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Note: If the operand is of BIGINT type, the return value will also be of BIGINT type.

4. Multiplication (*)

Example: Both operands are integers.

gbase> SELECT 3*5 FROM dual;
| 3*5 |
|  15 |
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5. Division (/)

Example 1: Both operands are integers.

gbase> SELECT 3/5 FROM dual;
| 3/5    |
| 0.6000 |
1 row in set
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Example 2: The divisor is 0, the return value is NULL.

gbase> SELECT 102/(1-1) FROM dual;
| 102/(1-1) |
|      NULL |
1 row in set
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Note: Division will only be performed with BIGINT arithmetic if the result is being converted to an integer in the context.

6. Integer Division (DIV)

Example: Both operands are integers.

gbase> SELECT 5 DIV 2 FROM dual;
| 5 DIV 2 |
|       2 |
1 row in set
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That concludes today's content. Thank you for reading!

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