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Recontextualize to Remember

Diving into the world of web development has been the dumbest thing I've ever done.

As in, learning to program and code is outside my wheelhouse, making me feel dumb on a regular basis-- not that the field itself isn't a smart move. (I believe it is! That's why I'm trying!)

It feels like such an uphill climb to get a point down, only to later forget any understanding. It happens so easily. It happens often.

Is it because I'm not passionate enough? Is it because I don't love this stuff?

Eh, neither of those matter.

I've gotten a lot of peace of mind once I accepted that I will forget, and that's part of the process. Maybe not so much for the hardcore, but it's my process anyway.

No need to learn things perfectly. No need to spend so much effort trying to remember. It's less pressure that way. And it makes the second (or third or fourth or fifth or sixth) round of re-learning much easier.

Now on to the real purpose of this post: writing down another aspect of learning that makes things easier.

I was listening to HTML All The Things, their JavaScript Basics episode as a refresher.

And they were going through the differences of using var vs let and const. A staple of JS understanding. Something you should know for an interview.

Something that I've learned and forgotten frequently. I get reminded of its importance when my code breaks, basically. Or when something is/isn't hoisting properly.

And as much as I can read through the differences of global and local scope, even with due diligence and note taking, I'm still going to forget.

But in that episode, when talking about global scope, they used an example that registered so well with me: dark mode.

Global can be accessed anywhere in the program. You might have something you want the entire program to know, such as the light and dark theme.

Because duh. Of course you would want that toggle across the board and not limited to a single page.

It seems so obvious, but I never had global as a concept click so well until now. Moving forward, when I distinguish between global and local, I can always think back to dark mode.

What other aspects like dark mode would I need the entire program to know?

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