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Cole Rau
Cole Rau

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Creating a has_many/belongs_to relationship in Rails

Completed Example Code

This article will cover how to set up a basic Rails relational database. Our example database will have two models (Ruby classes): Person and Interest. We will say that a person has many interests, and an interest belongs to a person. A person will have the attributes name and age; an interest will have the attributes activity_name and person_id.

Below is a visual representation of our database:
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Step 1: Navigate to your Rails project or create a new one

You'll want to be inside of your Rails project for the following steps. If you do not have one:

  • assuming you have Ruby, SQLite3, Node.js, Yarn, and Rails itself downloaded to your computer,
  • In Terminal, navigate to the folder you want your Rails app to reside in.
  • Enter the command rails new {lowercase and no spaces app name}
  • Enter the command cd {lowercase and no spaces app name}
  • Open up your text editor.


I'm making a Rails app called People so I will, in Terminal, navigate to the folder I want my Rails app to be in, then:

  • run the command rails new people
  • run the command cd people
  • run the command code . to open up VSCode.

Step 2: Inside your text editor, create the Person model

In Terminal, in your Rails app directory, enter
rails g model NameOfModel column_name:datatype column_name2:datatype2 --no-test-framework


To make the Person model, I'll enter in Terminal
rails g model Person name:string age:integer --no-test-framework. Now I have a SQLite model called Person that has the attributes name (a string), and age (an integer).

Step 3: Create the Interest model

Follow the instructions in Step 2 but for the Interest model.


To make the Interest model, I'll enter in Terminal
rails g model Interest activity_name:string person_id:integer --no-test-framework. Now I have a SQLite model called Interest that has the attributes activity_name (a string) and person_id (an integer).

The model that "belongs to" another model will have the attribute lowercase other model's name_id. That is why, in our example case, the Interest model has an attribute of person_id.

Step 4: Add the has_many relationship

In the model that "has_many", add the code such that your file looks like this:

class ModelThatHasMany < ApplicationRecord
  has_many :{lowercase name of model this model has many of}
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Since a person has many interests, we will add the has_many relationship to the Person model.

In app/models/person.rb, I will make the file look like the following:

class Person < ApplicationRecord
  has_many :interests
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I'm telling Rails that an instance of my Person class will have many interests.

Step 5: Add the belongs_to relationship

Identify the model that belongs to another model.

In the model that belongs to another model, add the following code:

class ModelThatBelongsToAnotherModel < ApplicationRecord
  belongs_to :{name of model this model belongs to}
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Since an interest belongs to a person, we will add the belongs_to relationship to the Interest model.

In app/models/interest.rb, I will make the file look like the following:

class Interest < ApplicationRecord
  belongs_to :person
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I'm telling Rails that an instance of my Interest class will belong to a person instance.

Step 6: Run rails db:migrate in Terminal

In Terminal, enter the command rails db:migrate to create your database with the code you've already written.

Step 7: Write some seeds

In db/seeds.rb, create some instances of your classes (models), then type in rails c in Terminal to test out the relationships.


We want to see if a person truly does have many interests and if an interest truly does belong to a person.

To do that, we'll create some seeds to later test out in the rails console.

In db/seeds.rb, add the following code:

# person1 will have an id of 1
person1 = Person.create(name: "Steve", age: 34)
# person2 will have an id of 2
person2 = Person.create(name: "Alex", age: 29)
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This code creates two person instances. "Steve" will have an id of 1. "Alex" will have an id of 2.

Now add some more code to the seeds.rb file:

# person1 will have the following interests
interest1 = Interest.create(activity_name: "walking", person_id: 1)
interest2 = Interest.create(activity_name: "playing the viola", person_id: 1)
# person2 will have the following interests
interest3 = Interest.create(activity_name: "reading", person_id: 2)
interest4 = Interest.create(activity_name: "playing the piano", person_id: 2)
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This code creates four interest instances. Taking into consideration that "Steve" has an id of 1, since interest1 has a person_id of 1, interest1 will belong to "Steve". Since interest2 has a person_id of 1, interest2 will belong to "Steve". "Steve" now has many interests (interest1 and interest2).

Taking into consideration that "Alex" has an id of 2, since interest3 has a person_id of 2, interest3 will belong to "Alex". Since interest4 has a person_id of 2, interest4 will belong to "Alex". "Alex" now has many interests (interest3 and interest4).

Step 8: Test out the relationships in the Rails console

Entering the rails console will allow us to play around with our model instances and how they are related to each other.


In Terminal, I'll type in rails c to enter the Rails console.

I want to see if my model instances are associated correctly. According to my seeds.rb file, Steve's first interest should be walking. It's relevant to note that Steve has an id of 1. Therefore, if I type into the console Person.first.interests.first.activity_name, "walking" should be returned.

Does the interest of "walking" belong to Steve? To test this out, I'll type into the console This should return "Steve". (Interest.first is the walking interest since the walking interest has an id of 1).

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