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SWE Concept #1 Burnout

Hey fellas! Today, I want to talk about something we've all probably faced: burnout. It's that feeling when even the simplest coding tasks seem like a mountain to climb.

Signs of Burnout:

Ever felt like you're running on empty? That's fatigue hitting you hard.
Lost in a fog of sadness and struggling to stay focused on tasks.
That constant pressure, making it seem like coding is the last thing you want to do right now.

My First Burnout: The Battle with Code:
Imagine me drowning in a sea of complicated code, feeling like I'm in way over my head. My skills were limited, the pandemic was causing chaos, and I couldn't find a reason to tackle a tough task. Two months of struggle later, and bam, I was officially burned out.

Insert your personal experiences, challenges faced, and emotions felt during this period.

How I Bounced Back:
Surprisingly, I didn't give up. I couldn't think of anything else to do, and the thought of leaving coding behind felt like quitting in a cowardly way. Slowly but surely, I found my way back. Maybe it was sheer stubbornness or a love for the craft, but I persevered.

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Second Burnout: Leadership Challenges:
Moving on to the second instance, burnout rears its head once more. This time, it's not about the code but the leadership challenges that push me to the edge. Picture this: I found myself in the wrong place. The company's infrastructure was a mess, and when something went wrong, it turned into a blame game.

Inserted my personal experiences, challenges faced, and lessons learned during this phase.

Coping Strategies and Lessons Learned:

Coping with declining motivation as a team leader in a challenging environment.
Connecting with fellow leaders and discovering that I'm not alone in facing such leadership struggles.

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